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Book Titles List

Aboard an Emigrant Ship. (online in entirety)

According to Promise.

Adelphi: The Life of Rev. John Cowper.

African Servant, The Cottage Conversation, etc (The)

Aged Penitent, (The) (online in entirety)

Aged Sailor, (The) (online in entirety)

Alice Gilbert's Confession.

Alone in London.

Amiable Louisa, (The) (online in entirety)

An Appeal to the Patriot.

An Hour with Miss Streator.

Angus Tarlton: Illustrations of the Fruits of the Spirit.

Ann Eliza Williams – A Child a Hundred Years Old.

Archie's Old Desk.

Aunt Jane's Hero.

Backslider (The)

Bad Bargain, (The) (online in entirety)

Baptismal Regeneration.

Basket of Flowers, (The)

Bear Ye One Another's Burdens & The Strait Gate and the Broad Way

Beauties of Dr. Isaac Watts (The)

Bede's Charity.

Ben's Lady.

Betty Brown, the St. Giles's Orange Girl.

Bible Calendar, (The) (online in entirety)

Bishop Bloomfield's Manuel of Prayers.

Black Giles the Poacher & Tawny Rachel the Fortune-Teller

Blood of Jesus (The)

Bob the Cabin Boy. (online in entirety)

Book of Private Devotion: A Series of Prayers and Meditations, (The)

Boy Who Never Lost a Chance, (The)

Breathing after God (A).


Bulbs and Blossoms.

Carpenter, (The) (online in entirety)

Carved Cupboard (The)


Charlie the Drummer Boy.

Children of Cloverley, (The)

Child's Book on Repentance, (The): Designed Also for Older Persons

Child's Life of Christ, (The)

Christ a Complete Saviour.

Christ Formed in the Soul.

Christian Traveler, (The) (online in entirety)

Christmas Child (The)

Church in the House (A)

Claremont Tales, (The): Illustrations of the Beatitudes.

Clue of the Maze (The)

Cobwebs and Cables.

Commentary on The Holy War.

Commentary on The Pilgrim's Progress.

Communion with the Deity.

Contentment in Humble Life.

Conversation in a Boat, between Two Seamen

Corporal Murray.

Cottage Cook (The) & The Sunday School

Crew of the Dolphin (The)

Crumbs from the Master's Table.

Daily Food for Christians.

Dairyman's Daughter (The)

Dan and Jane. (online in entirety)

Daughter of the Sea (A)

David Baldwin, or the Miller's Son.

Directions for Daily Communion with God.

Discourse on Meekness and Quietness of Spirit (A)

Disputes Reviewed

Divine and Moral Songs for Children.

Divine and Supernatural Light (A)

Drawing Near to God My Portion Forever.

Duty Is Safety or Troublesome Tom.

Dying Testimony of Believers and Unbelievers.

Eliza Cunningham.

Elizabeth Wooster Stuart Phelps: A Memorial.

Enoch Roden's Training.

Eric's Good News.

Essie's Journey and What She Found in It.

Ester Ried: Asleep and Awake.

Esther's Regret.

Excellency of Christ (The)

Expulsive Power of a New Affection (The)

Facts in Aid of Faith

Faith in Christ Inferred from Faith in God

Farewell Sermon (A)

Fern's Hollow.

First Voyage, (The) (online in entirety)

Foolish Traveller, (The) (online in entirety)

Fools' Pence, (The) (online in entirety)

Force of Truth (The)

Forgiveness of Sin As a Debt (The)

Fred, and Maria, and Me.

Free Will—A Slave.

Fruitful Life: The Missionary Labors of Stephen Paxson (A)

Gems from Spurgeon: Extracts from the Notebook of a Nonprofessonal Reporter.

George Lovell.

Gift for Mourners (A)

Gin-Shop, (The) (online in entirety)

Glorious Sufficiency of Christ (The)

God Glorified in Man's Dependence

Golden Threads: Selected Stories.

Greatest Fight in the World (The)

Guide to Prayer (A)

Gypsy Glimpses. (online in entirety)

Hackney Coachman (The) (online in entirety)

Hairs of Your Head Numbered (The)

Happiness: Discourses at Geneva

Happy Waterman, (The) (online in entirety)


Help and Good Cheer.

Her Only Son

Here and There. (online in entirety)

Hero in the Strife (A)

History of a Bible, (The) (online in entirety)

History of George Medway (The), an Old Ploughman

History of Hester Wilmot (The)

History of Mr. Fantom (The)

History of Old Shusco, (The) (online in entirety)

History of Tom White the Postboy (The)

Home at Greylock (The)

Honest Miller of Gloucestershire, (The) (online in entirety)

Honest Waterman, (The) (online in entirety)

Hope and Fear Balanced

How Apple-tree Court Was Won.

How Are We Complete in Christ?

How Christ Is to Be Followed as Our Example

How Christians May Learn in Every State to Be Content.

How God is His People's Great Reward 

How May We Cure Distractions in Holy Duties?

How Should We Eye Eternity that It May Have Its Due Influence Upon Us?

How to See Jesus with Fullness of Joy and Peace.

How We May Read Scriptures with Most Spiritual Profit

Humphrey Grainger's Losses.

Hymns and Poems

Hymns and Sacred Poems of Augustus Toplady.

Hymns of Frances Ridley Havergal (The)

Illustrative Notes on The Pilgrim's Progress.

Impossibility Conquered, (The) (online in entirety)

In Christ Jesus.

Jacula Prudentum: Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, etc.

James Covey. (online in entirety)

Jessica's First Prayer.

Jessica's Mother.

Jill's Red Bag.

John Newton's Olney Hymns.

John Ploughman's Pictures.

John Ploughman's Talk.

Jonathan Edwards in the Pulpit: Famous Sermons.

Joyful Life (The)

Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners (The)

Kept for the Master's Use.

Kept for the Master's Use. (ePub)

King Dionysius. (online in entirety)

King's Daughter (The)

Kitty Brown and Her City Cousins.

Kitty Brown and Her Little School.

Kitty Brown Beginning to Think.

Lady and the Pie, (The) (online in entirety)

Leading of the Holy Spirit Opened (The)

Left Alone

Legend Led

Legh Richmond's Letters and Counsels to His Children

Life and Conversion of the Dairyman. (The)

Life and Death of Mr. Badman (The)

Life and Writings of Augustus M. Toplady (Kindle)

Life of Dr. Cotton Mather (The)

Life of John Eliot (The) (Kindle)

Life of John Eliot (The) (Paperback)

Life of Mr. John Howe (The) (Kindle)

Life of the Rev. C. F. Swartz (The)

Life of Thomas Hooker (Kindle)

Life of Thomas Hooker (Paperback)

Life, Warfare, and Victory.

Little Henry and His Bearer.

Little Kitty Brown and Her Bible Verses.

Little Meg's Children.

Little Preacher (The)

Little Rosa, Gentleman Jim & The Story Lizzie Told

Little Woodman and His Dog Caesar (The)

Lord Our Righteousness (The)

Lost Children, (The) (online in entirety)

Lost Gip.

Lucky Leg, (The) (online in entirety)

Mabel or the Bitter Root.

Mabel's Faith.

Man of His Word (A)

Martin and Margot.

Max Kromer: A Story of the Siege of Strasbourg.

Meditations and Spiritual Experiences.

Memoir of Harlan Page.

Memoir of Harriet Ware.

Memoir of Jacob Thomas: Missionary to Assam (Kindle)

Memoir of Jacob Thomas: Missionary to Assam (Paperback)

Memoir of George Dana Boardman (Kindle)

Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis

Memoir of Rev. David Tappan Stoddard (Kindle)

Memoir of Rev. John Robinson. (Kindle)

Memoir of Rev. John Robinson. (Paperback)

Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kilpin.

Memoir of Richard Sibbes (Kindle)

Memoir of Sarah B. Judson of the American Mission to Burmah

Memoir of the Rev. David Abeel (Kindle)

Memoir of the Rev. Richard Cecil

Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper.

Memoir of Thomas Manton (Kindle)

Memoirs of Mrs. Harriet Newell

Method of Grace (The)

Michel Lorio's Cross

Mine (The): Darkness and Light.

Ministering Children.

Miserable Christmas and a Happy New Year (A)

Missionary's Father, (The) (online in entirety)

Missionary's Wife among the Wild Tribes of South Bengal (A)

Missionary's Wife (The): A Memoir of Mrs. M. A. Henderson of Demerara

Mountain Miller (The)

Mrs Burton's Best Bedroom.

Name Above Every Name (The)

Naughty Girl Won (The)

Navy Surgeon (The): The Conversion of Dr. Charles H. Broughton

Nelly's Dark Days.

Night and a Day (A)

No Place Like Home.

Nobody Cares.

Nothing to Pay. (online in entirety)

On Searching the Scriptures.

On the Edge of a Moor.

Only a Dog.

Our Sympathizing High Priest: Meditations on the Daily Sorrows of Our Saviour.

Parley the Porter

Patient Joe. (online in entirety)

Pay Night.

Pilgrim Street.

Pilgrims (The)

Plum Cakes, (The) (online in entirety)

Poison in the Packet.

Poor Joseph. (online in entirety)

Practical Thoughts.

Probable Sons.

Prodigal, (The)

Progressive Work of Grace (The): Three Stages of a Believer's Experience.

Puppet Show, (The) (online in entirety)

Puzzling Pair (A)

Rebecca the Peacemaker: Coals of Fire.

Redeemer and the Sanctifier (The).

Released Prisoner (A)

Religious Poems.

Rescued Brand, (The) (online in entirety)

Resolutions: A Collection of Wisdom

Riot, (The) (online in entirety)

Robbers' Cave (The): A Tale of Italy.

Robert and Richard. (online in entirety)


Royal Commandments: Morning Thoughts for the Kings Servants

Russian Nurse, (The) (online in entirety)

St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope: Incidents in the Missionary Life of the Rev. James M'Gregor Bertram (Kindle)

St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope: Incidents in the Missionary Life of the Rev. James M'Gregor Bertram (Paperback)

Sam Franklin's Savings Bank

Sarah Doudney: Selected Poems and Hymns.

Scotsman's Fireside, (The) (online in entirety)

Self: Its Dangers, Doubts and Duties

Self: Its Dangers, Doubts and Duties (ePub)

Self-Deception: Its Nature, Evils and Remedy

Sermon on Regeneration (A)

Sermons in Candles.

Shepherd of Salisbury Plain (The)

Shipmates (The), an Evening Conversation

Silver Lining (The): Messages of Hope and Cheer

Sinfulness and Cure of Thoughts (The)

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Paperback Version.

Six Little Girls.

Slim Jack: The History of a Circus Boy

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized.

Some New Thoughts for the New Year

Songs in the Night.

Soul Idolatry Excludes Men Out of Heaven.

Sowing and Reaping.

Spoiled Child (The)

Star in the East (The)

Stepping Heavenward.

Still Hour (The); or, Communion with God.

Storm of Life (The)

Story of Joseph (The) and His Brethern

Story of Mary Jones (The) and Her Bible.

Strong Rod Broken and Withered (A)

Stupid Little Servant, (The) (online in entirety)

Sunday Chaplet of Stories (ePub)

Sunday Chaplet of Stories (kindle)

Supposing Him to Be the Gardener.

Swiss Peasant, (The)

Teddy's Button.

Thorny Path (A)

Thoughts Concerning the King.

Threefold Cord (A)

Tip Lewis and His Lamp.

'Tis All for the Best.

Toils and Triumphs: Missionary Work in the World's Dark Places.

Tom Starboard and Jack Halyard

Treatise on Self-Knowledge (A)

Turn the Carpet. (online in entirety)

Twelve Sermons for the Troubled and Tried.

Twelve Sermons on Vital Questions.

Twenty-One Letters to Elizabeth Catlett

Two Gardeners, (The) (online in entirety)

Two Old Men (The), or What Makes Them Differ?

Two Secrets.

Two Shoemakers (The)

Uncle John Vassar.

Under the Old Roof.

Ursula's Beginnings.

Watchmaker (The) and His Family.

Way of Life (The)

Wayside Hearers, (The) (online in entirety)

Wayside Springs from the Fountain of Life.

Weaver's Daughter (The)

What Advantage May We Expect from Christ's Prayer for Union with Himself?

What Are the Best Preservatives Against Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow?

What Distance Ought We to Keep in Following the Strange Fashions of Apparel?

What Is That Fullness of God Every True Christian Ought to Pray and Strive to Be Filled With?

What Will You Do Without Him? (online in entirety)

Wherein Appears the Blessedness of Forgiveness?

Who Are the Happy?

William Cowper's Olney Hymns.

William Kelly or the Happy Christian.

Wings and Stings.

Wise Sayings of Thomas Watson.

Words Encouraging to Right Faith and Conduct

Words of Cheer for Daily Life.

Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate (The)

Worth of a Baby (The)

Young Cottager (The)