The Glorious Sufficiency of Christ by Cornelius Tyree
The "sufficiency of Christ" meets every possible need to both a believer's salvation and sanctification. "He not only fully saves them from sin, but secures to them ineffably greater glory, honor, and immortality than they would have inherited had they not fallen." This book written in 1879, discusses the importance of the Gospel and the fullness of Christ, a theme that belongs to Christians of all times. Dr. Tyree gets to the point by saying "study, not Christianity, but Christ; ponder, not redemption, but the Redeemer, not salvation, but the living, moving Savior, that was, and is, and ever will be, and the mind will be convinced, and the heart savingly won to him."
"Many plans are proposed, such as fasting, prayer, self-examination, and exertions to do good. But of all means, for the thorough and speedy improvement of our religious character, habitual application to the fullness of Christ is the most efficacious. The best means of religious growth is the continuance of the same faith that secures to the soul pardon and regeneration."
This book also contains the sermon The Benefits of Affliction by Cornelius Tyree.
Paperback 6X9, 106 pages. ISBN 9781935626572
Cornelius Tyree (1814–1891) was born in Amherst, Virginia. At nineteen he was baptized and joined the Mount Moriah Baptist Church. He attended William and Mary College and Columbian College. After pastoring many churches, in 1845 he moved to Powhatan County and ministered for 27 years. He then moved his pastorate to Liberty, Virginia for 12 years. After this he moved to Salem and closed his life of 52 years in the Baptist ministry. After falling from his wagon, he was bedridden with broken ribs. In response to a contest, he rewrote a series of sermons on Colossians 1:19. This later became the book “The Glorious Sufficiency of Christ.”