Kindle Biography Books
Kindle Biography Books - $2.95 and under.

Memoir of Rev. David Tappan Stoddard: Missionary to the Nestorians $2.95. David T. Stoddard (1819–1857) was invited to the Nestorian mission by Rev. Justin Perkins. He learned Syriac, preached, instructed in schools, and visited from house to house.
Memoir of the Rev. David Abeel. $0.99. This biography is a collection of letters and journal entries that relate David Abeel’s missionary adventures sailing to China, Singapore, Siam and other locations.
Memoir of Rev. Thomas Jacobs: Missionary to Assam. $2.95. Jacob Thomas (1811-1837) was born at Newburgh, N.Y. Jacob Thomas spent five years at Hamilton Theological Seminary. He was ordained, married and left for India to do missions work.
St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope: Incidents in the Missionary Life of the Rev. James M'Gregor Bertram. $2.95. He left England with the intention of ministering at The Cape of Good Hope but soon learned of a dire need on the island of St. Helena.
Memoir of Richard Sibbes $2.95. (1577–1635) was faithful to preach the gospel while he remained in the Church of England. This biography contains his childhood, his education at Cambridge, his ministry at Gray’s Inn, his Mastership of Catherine Hall, his conflicts with Archbishop William Laud, and his last days.
The Life of Mr. John Howe - $0.99; Puritan John Howe (1630–1705) was educated at Cambridge and Oxford. He was taken to be chaplain to Oliver Cromwell’s household. This biography includes discussion of dissenters and conformist views.
The Life of Thomas Hooker. $2.95; Thomas Hooker (1586–1647) is known as the “Father of Connecticut.” He was born in Marfield, England and attended school in Cambridge. After persecution he sailed for New England with friends John Cotton and Samuel Stone.
The Life and Writings of Augustus M. Toplady (1740–1778). $2.95; He was known for his hymn “Rock of Ages,” but he was also a popular preacher. This biography describes his preaching and his writings.

Memoir of Rev. Thomas Manton - $1.95; Puritan Thomas Manton (1620–1677) was a skilled preacher and theologian. This biography describes his days in Culliton, Stoke Newington, and Covent Garden.
Uncle John Vassar: The Fight of Faith - $2.95; John Vassar (1813–1878), for anumber of years he evangelized in Dutchess County, N.Y., and other cities. In 1863, commissioned by the American Tract Society, he began his ministry to soldiers fighting the Civil War.
A Fruitful Life: The Missionary Labors of Stephen Paxson - $2.95; Missionary Stephen Paxson (1808–1881) spread Christianity by organizing over 1300 Sunday-schools on the American frontier. He overcame poverty, stammering speech, and no formal education.
Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kilpin - $.99; Samuel Kilpin (1774–1830) was born in Bedford, England. He was a Baptist pastor who had a burning desire to be used by God and to preach the Gospel to lost souls. He especially loved children and orphans.
Memoir of Harlan Page - $2.95; Harlan Page (1791–1834) was born in Coventry, Connecticut. He taught and worked for the American Tract Society. “He had one definite object before him: it was not fame, or family, or ease, or pleasure—but to honor Christ in the salvation of men.”
The Life of the Rev. C. F. Swartz - $.99; Christian F. Swartz (1726–1798) was born in Brandenburg, Germany. Christian learned the Tamul language and he was sent to India in 1750. He presided over the missionary station in Trichinopoly and Tanjore.
The Life of Dr. Cotton Mather - $2.95; Samuel Mather highlights Cotton Mather's discipline, intelligence, and desire for God. He presents his father as an exceedingly productive example to follow.
The Force of Truth - $2.95; The Force of Truth is an autobiographical account of how Rev. Thomas Scott came to his evangelical convictions. Thomas Scott set out on a course of self-study which led to a conviction of his own sin with the realization that he needed God's grace.

Memoir of Harriet Ware - $.99; Harriet Ware (1799–1847) was a school teacher in Maine and Rhode Island. She had a selfless, passionate love of orphans and began a school for destitute children in Providence, Rhode Island.