Illustrative Notes on The Pilgrim's Progress by Thomas Scott
The illustrative notes of Rev. Thomas Scott were compiled from the footnotes of an edition of "The Pilgrim's Progress" published by John B. Perry in 1855. The notes of that two-part edition have been divided into chapters for easier reference. Each note is introduced with its anchor phrase from the text of the story. This edition also includes Thomas Scott's Preface and Life of John Bunyan. "The Pilgrim's Progress" was one of Scott's favorite books and his extensive notes are sure to help anyone understand the symbolism and nuances of the allegory.
[Thomas Scott's aim is] ". . . fixing the precise meaning of those parts, which might most perplex the inquirer, and which seem to have most escaped notice, or divided the sentiments, of expositors; [and] to state and establish, compendiously but clearly, those doctrinal, practical, and experimental views of Christianity, which Mr. Bunyan meant to convey."
Paperback, 200 pages. ISBN 9781935626398
Thomas Scott (1747–1821) was born in Lincolnshire, England. He worked on his father’s farm but he also studied Greek and Latin. In 1772, he sought to be ordained and he became the curate of Stoke Goldington and Weston Underwood. In the late 1770’s he embraced the gospel and took over the Olney pulpit in 1781. In 1785, he became the Lecturer of Lock Hospital in London, where he was a favorite preacher of William Wilberforce, Henry Thornton, and Hannah More. In 1803, he moved to Aston Sandford, Buckinghamshire. He is known for founding the Lock Asylum, the Church Missionary Society and his Commentary for the “Family Bible.”