The Backslider by Andrew Fuller
Andrew Fuller states: “I shall describe the nature and different species of backsliding from God—notice the symptoms of it—trace its injurious and dangerous effects—and point out the means of recovery.” When backsliding is identified: “The same way in which, if we be true Christians, we first found rest to our souls must be pursued in order to re-recover it; namely, by repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ.” Andrew Fuller describes the many mind sets and rationalizing of unrepentant sinful behavior and how to overcome it, which is sure to help any earnest believer.
Paperback 6X9, 68 pages, ISBN 9781941281727
ANDREW FULLER (1754–1815) was born in Wicken, Cambridgeshire, England. He was of Puritan descent and had a Christian upbringing. He grew up doing farm work, had no formal education, and was involved in many immoral activities. At age 16 he turned toward God and was baptized and joined the Baptist Church at Soham. When the speaker of the church meeting sprained his ankle Andrew was asked to read and “if he found liberty to drop any remarks.” God’s gifting was evident and years later (1774) he filled a ministry vacancy at Soham. The small congregation at Soham gave him opportunity to educate himself by reading books. Invitations from Kettering came and in 1782 he moved to the church in Kettering, Northamptonshire. He helped found the Baptist Missionary Society in 1792 with the shoemaker William Carey, and the zealous minister Samuel Pearce. He also had the advantage of relationships with John Newton, Thomas Scott and Legh Richmond.