The Still Hour; or, Communion with God by Austin Phelps
The "Still Hour" refers to the devotional prayer time of a Christian. Austin Phelps describes the pitfalls of prayer such as apathy, laziness, and lack of desire. He warns us that approaching prayer grudgingly, mechanically or insincerely has negative consequences. He also describes earnestness, enjoyment, and praying with purpose as qualities to ascribe to. A whole chapter describes Jesus Christ's atonement as the only basis of prayer. This book is filled with many good thoughts and warnings for a Christian's quiet moments spent with God.
Paperback 6X9, 72 pages. ISBN 9781935626374
Austin Phelps (1820-1890) was born at West Brookfield, Massachusetts. He was the son of Eliakim Phelps who was a clergyman. He attended the University of Pennsylvania and graduated in 1837 and then went to Yale Divinity School. He was a preacher in Philadelphia, Boston, and then he was a professor at Andover Theological Seminary. He went on to be president at the seminary for ten years. He married Elizabeth Stuart in 1842, when she died, he married her sister, Mary Stuart. He also wrote books on theological topics.