Elizabeth Wooster Stuart Phelps: A Memorial by Austin Phelps
This memorial, written by her husband Austin Phelps, is a biography of Elizabeth Wooster Stuart Phelps (1815–1852). She was born in Andover, Massachusetts and her father, Moses Stuart, was a minister and professor at Andover Theological Seminary. She was educated at Mount Vernon School and lived with and was taught writing by Jacob Abbott. She created stories to tell her sisters and published ten books and many anonymous works. She suffered a cerebral disease for 20 years, which was made an instrument of mental and religious growth. She struggled with God's view of the usefulness of art, because she loved painting. This memorial portrays an intelligent and honest account of a very tender artistic temperament.
Paperback, 108 pages. ISBN 9781935626213
Austin Phelps (1820-1890) was born at West Brookfield, Massachusetts. He was the son of Eliakim Phelps who was a clergyman. He attended the University of Pennsylvania and graduated in 1837 and then went to Yale Divinity School. He was a preacher in Philadelphia, Boston, and then he was a professor at Andover Theological Seminary. He went on to be president at the seminary for ten years. He married Elizabeth Stuart in 1842, when she died, he married her sister, Mary Stuart. He also wrote books on theological topics.