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Memoir of George Dana Boardman by Alonzo King (Kindle)

Memoir of Geroge Dana Boardman. Kindle Version $2.99. Download at Amazon.

 George Dana Boardman (1801–1831) was born in Livermore, Maine. His father was a Baptist minister. In 1825, he was ordained in North Yarmouth, Maine (author Alonzo King was pastor the next year). He felt he was “bought with a price” and must go to fill empty places. He married Sarah Hall in 1825 and left to work in Maulmain and later Tavoy, Burma. He suffered severe physical illness, spiritual discouragement, death of children, attack of rebels and plundered property several times. The Lord blessed his labors with many converts eventually. George died of consumption at 30 years of age. His wife Sarah stayed on three years and married Adoniram Judson and served 10 years with him in Burma.

Alonzo King (1796-1835) was born at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. He was educated at Waterville College in Maine and graduated in 1825. He pastored a Baptist Church in North Yarmouth, Maine and was ordained in 1826. It was at this church that Rev. Sylvanus Boardman, father of George Dana Boardman, was pastor until 1816.  He married Tryphena Cheney in 1827. He then pastored a church in Northborough, Massachusetts. He finally settled in Westborough, Massachusetts where he died. “His leading traits were exotics from heavenly soil:— humility, abandonment of self, consecration, all nourished by fasting and prayer. The Cross of Christ was his favorite theme; he lived in sight of the Cross, prayed beside it, preached behind it.”

Product Details:

Publisher : Curiosmith (May 11, 2021)
Publication date : May 11, 2021
Language : English
File size : 3323 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 351 pages
Lending : Enabled

Memoir of George Dana Boardman.
Kindle Version $2.99.
Download at Amazon.