In Christ Jesus: The Sphere of the Believer's Life by Arthur T. Pierson
This book explores seven characteristics of being "In Christ Jesus." These themes include a Christian being "justified" as shown in Romans; "sanctified" as shown in the Corinthian letters; crucified (to the world) as shown in Galatians; "ascended with Christ" as shown in Ephesians; "satisfied" as shown in Philippians; "complete" as shown in Colossians; and "glorified" as shown in the Thessalonian letters. "If there be one truth of the Gospel that is fundamental, and underlies all else, it is this: A new life in Christ Jesus."
Paperback 6X9, 108 pages. ISBN 9781935626626
Arthur Tappan Pierson (1837–1911) was born in Manhattan, New York. He was educated at Hamilton College and Union Theological Seminary. He was ordained as a Presbyterian minister and later became a Baptist. He pastored many churches in America and also the Metropolitan Tabernacle during Charles Spurgeon’s last illness. He was friends with many famous pastors of his day. He is known for invigorating mission work, starting the Student Volunteer Movement and editing The Missionary Review of the World for 25 years.