Memoir of Sarah B. Judson of the American Mission to Burmah by Emily C. Judson
This biography chronicles a strong, intelligent, devoted woman who gave her life to missions work in Burma. She had many children with both husbands and constantly battled sickness. She had a passionate heart for the lost and started schools, taught, and met with local women. She was dedicated to language learning and translation work (New Testament, Pilgrims Progress, and Burmese hymnal). She wrote many poems and hymns. Sarah Hall (1803-1845) was born in Alstead, New Hampshire. She became a member of the First Baptist Church in Salem, Massachusetts. She was a Sunday School teacher and tract distributor. She married George Dana Boardman in 1825 and shortly after went to Calcutta and then Burma. After George died she stayed three years by herself with her young child. In 1834 she became the second wife of Adoniram Judson and continued missionary work for eleven years. This edition contains the “Notes” from the Revised Edition.
Paperback 6X9, 196 pages, ISBN 9781946145642
Emily Chubbuck (1817-1854) was born at Eaton (Morrisville), New York. Her family was poor so she was a teacher and started writing for small publications. In 1846 she published “Alderbrook Tales”, one of her most popular publications. She wrote for New York Mirror, The Columbian, and Graham’s Magazine. Her pen name was Fanny Forester. Adoniram Judson need an author to publish a biography of his late wife Sarah and Emily accepted. Emily married Adoniram Judson soon after. They returned to Burma to carry on the missionary work. After Adoniram’s death she came back to the Unite d States and continued writing.