How Are We Complete in Christ? by William Whitaker
Puritan William Whitaker explores the qualities of Christ using Colossians 3:11: “But Christ is all, and in all.” In what is Christ all? How is Christ all? What is the advantage to have a believer’s all in Christ? Whitaker concludes with there is no ground for despondency when Christ is all. He also gives reasons why we should be thankful. If Christ is all, Whitaker explains a believer needs all affection, acknowledgements, contentment, aims and expectations be in him.
Paperback 8X5.25, 54 pages, ISBN 9781946145451
A Puritan sermon from the "Morning Exercise at Cripplegate" series.
William Whitaker (1547–1595) was born in Holme, Lancashire, England. He attended Trinity College at Cambridge, B.A. and M.A. He was ordained priest and deacon in 1576. In 1578 he was invested with the Prebendary of Norwich. In 1580 he was appointed by Queen Elizabeth to the regius professorship of divinity at Cambridge (1580-1595). He was a Master at St. John’s College, Cambridge for nine years (1586-1595). The college increased in scholars, reputation and puritanism. He was vocal in the controversy between the Protestants and the Papists.