Legend Led by Amy Le Feuvre
The children enjoyed exploring the large manner house, where their imaginations could soar. When they secretly plotted against their older half-brother the mischief began. A story about King Arthur and the knights, set Gypsy, the little girl, to be interested in searching for the "Holy Grail." In Gypsy's mind, the search for the "Holy Thing" soon became a search after Jesus, as described in Luke 1:35. An important verse is Proverbs 8:17: "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."
Paperback 6X9, 124 pages, ISBN 9781935626862
Amelia Sophia Le Feuvre (1861-1929) was born in Blackheath, London, England. She grew up in a large family which employed a governess for the children's education. Her father worked as a Surveyor at H. M. Customs - CSO. Her grandfather, James Mainguy, was a reverend in Guernsey. She dedicated her life to writing and wrote many books and stories that are filled with Biblical principles, for magazines like Sunday at Home and Quiver. Her publishers included Revell in Chicago, Dodd Mead in New York, Religious Tract Society in London, and Hodder and Stoughton in London. She died at Exeter, Devonshire after 68 fruitful years.