Life, Warfare, and Victory by Daniel Whittle
Daniel Whittle, a major in the Civil War, shares his insights into spiritual warfare. He challenges the reader to the trumpet of the Gospel. He begins with realizing the necessity to be born again by the Holy Spirit for warfare to be possible. He explains that Satan is a real person and is deceptive, and to use the Word of God to overcome him. Being dead to sin, he explains, is being dead to God's judgment, in relation to God's Law of sin, but spiritual warfare still exists. A quote from the book: "The Holy Spirit in regeneration is not to change the nature of the flesh at all; but to implant a new nature—Christ formed within by the Holy Spirit, in the power of which the believer does indeed deny the flesh, and is no longer living as minding the flesh. But the flesh is still there, unchangeably evil in its nature, with no improvement to be looked for in it."
Paperback 6X9, 126 pages. ISBN 9781935626893
Daniel Webster Whittle (1840–1901) was born in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. His family moved to Chicago and he began work at Wells Fargo Bank and was superintendent of the Tabernacle Sunday-School. He married Abbie Hanson whom he met at the Sunday-school. He served in the Union Army and fought with General Sherman at Vicksburg. He suffered a wound in his arm, and being discharged he worked for the Elgin Watch Company. He met D. L. Moody and was eventually convinced to do itinerant evangelistic work. Major Whittle was the speaker and Philip P. Bliss was the singer. He also worked with James P. McGranahan and George C. Stebbins. His daughter, May, married D. L. Moody’s son, William. He wrote over 200 hymn lyrics. He is known for the hymns “Hold the Fort,” “Moment by Moment,” “I Know Whom I have Believed,” “There Shall be Showers of Blessings,” “The Banner of the Cross.”