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A Fruitful Life: The Missionary Labors of Stephen Paxson by Belle Paxson Drury
Adelphi: The Life of Rev. John Cowper by William Cowper
Adelphi: The Life of Rev. John Cowper by William Cowper (PDF)
David Baldwin: The Miller's Son by William Crookshank
Dying Testimony of Believers and Unbelievers by William C. Brownlee and David Harsha
Eliza Cunningham by John Newton
Elizabeth Wooster Stuart Phelps: A Memorial by Austin Phelps
History of Corporal Murray, of the U.S. Infantry by Jeremiah Porter
Little Henry and His Bearer by Mary Martha Sherwood
Mary of Toulouse
Memoir of Harlan Page: The Power of Prayer by William Hallock
Memoir of Harriet Ware (Free PDF Download)
Memoir of Harriet Ware by Francis Wayland
Memoir of Jacob Thomas: Missionary to Assam by Sarah M. Fuller Harris
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis by William Ellis
Memoir of Rev. John Robinson by Robert Ashton
Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kilpin by Samuel Kilpin and American Tract Society
Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kilpin by The American Tract Society (PDF)
Memoir of Sarah B. Judson of the American Mission to Burmah by Emily C. Judson
Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper by William Cowper.