Cobwebs and Cables by Hesba Stretton
Roland Sefton fled England mysteriously after he stole 10,00 pounds from his own bank. As time progressed the widely varied effects of this wrongdoing included isolation, ruined lives, shame and death. Toward the end of the story only time, circumstances, forgiveness and the grace of God could heal what had occurred. "He could not unravel the warp and woof of his life. The gossamer threads of the webs he had begun to weave about himself so lightly in the heyday of his youth and prosperity and happiness had thickened into cables and petrified; it was impossible to break through the coil of them or find a way out of it."
Paperback 6X9, 304 pages. ISBN 9781935626749
SARAH SMITH (1832-1911) was born in Wellington, England. She had the good fortune of being able to read books from her father's bookshop, a printer of evangelical literature. Her mother was a strong evangelical, but died when Sarah was young. In the March 19th, 1859 issue of Household Words, a publication conducted by Charles Dickens, she published her first short story called The Lucky Leg. It is an intriguing story about a man who wanted to marry a woman with a missing leg. It was more secular, but her talent was recognized. Hesba Stretton became her pen name, Stretton coming from the name of a neighboring village, and Hesba coming from the initials of her siblings. H (Hannah or some sources Harriett), E (Elizabeth), S (Sarah), B (Benjamin), and A (Annie).