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St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope by Edwin Hatfield (Kindle)

St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope: Incidents in the Missionary Life of the Rev. James M'Gregor Bertram.
Kindle Version $2.95.
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Missionary James M‘Gregor Bertram (1806– ) was born at Southfield, Scotland. He left England with the intention of ministering at The Cape of Good Hope but soon learned of a dire need on the island of St. Helena. On Monday July 14, 1845 he arrived at St. Helena Island on the ship Velox, and found only four or five Christians on the whole island. He started a Baptist church and many came to know Christ. This edition contains a description of the death and burial of Adoniram Judson’s second wife Sarah B. on the Island of St. Helena.

Timeline of events in James Bertrams’s life:

1806 – born in Southfield, Scotland.
1833 – James Bertram became a Christian.
1835 – associated with Robert Aitkin.
1836 – moved to Hanley and then Doncaster.
1838 – appointed to minister at Stockport.
1839 – appointed to Bristol and became a Baptist.
1844 – married Mary Curry.
1844 – November, sailed for the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa.
1845 – April, sailed to Saldanha Bay, South Africa.
1845 – July 14, arrived at the island of St. Helena.
1845 – Adoniram Judson arrived with his ill wife Sarah. B.
1850 – July, arrived at Boston seeking funds for mission chapels.
1851 – June, traveled to England.
1851 – August, traveled to New York City.
1854 – founded a Baptist church on the island of St. Helena. 

Edwin Francis Hatfield (1807–1883) was born at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. He was educated at Middlebury College and Andover Theological Seminary. He ministered at the Third Presbyterian Church of New York and the Second Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He then served 21 years at New York’s Seventh Presbyterian Church. He then served seven years at the North Presbyterian Church. He also wrote hymns and biographies.


Product details:
File Size: 1127 KB
Print Length: 136 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Curiosmith (April 10, 2019)
Publication Date: April 10, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope: Incidents in the Missionary Life of the Rev. James M'Gregor Bertram.
Kindle Version $2.95.
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