Sunday Chaplet of Stories (Kindle)

Sunday Chaplet of Stories.
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Author A.L.O.E. (Charlotte Maria Tucker) taught children with a moral message in her stories. These thirty-one short stories have a Biblical theme and were published in “The Children’s Paper.” Some subjects included are temptation, caring for the lost, God’s grace, and the importance of the Bible.
CHARLOTTE MARIA TUCKER (1821–1883) was born in Barnet, England. Her father, Henry St. George Tucker, was chairman of the East India Company. Henry was against girls going to school, so Charlotte was educated at home. Henry discouraged writing so nothing was published before his death. Charlotte was full of energy, vitality and was very generous. She was a deep thinker, seemingly always religious. She had talent in music, drawing, writing, acting and teaching. She lived at No. 3 Upper Portland Place, her childhood home, for 49 years. Her brothers moved to India, but she took care of her mother until she died in 1869. Afterwards, being financially successful and free of caring for her mother, she took up the study of Hindustani. In 1875, she felt a divine call and traveled to India for 18 years and carried on missionary work until her death. She continued to write stories in India.
- The Hymn My Mother Taught Me (temptation)
- Are All Saved? (caring for the lost)
- The Fountain and The Cloud (need for God’s grace)
- The Soldier’s Child (importance of the Bible)
- Is This History Mine? (finding grace)
- Burning Bank-Notes (using time wisely)
- Edith and Her Ayah (Nurse) (salvation)
- On the Raft (trusting God)
- Stepping-Stones (help in trouble)
- What Do We Know of Heaven? (heaven)
- The Maelstrom (pleasing others)
- I Have a Home, a Happy Home! (home in heaven)
- Diamonds and Scorpions (importance of words)
- The Four Wishes (vain wishes)
- The Vase, the Book, and the Pearl (superiority to others)
- St. Paul’s Church Clock (regular prayers)
- The Little Light (God’s purposes shining)
- The Butterfly (death and resurrection)
- The Penitent (gambling)
- The Reproof (swearing)
- The Vase and The Dart (opportunity for doing good)
- The Jewel (a soul’s worth)
- The Storm (trials)
- The Sabbath-Tree (observing the Sabbath)
- The White Robe (treasure in heaven)
- The Fight (fighting sin)
- Crosses (life’s burdens)
- The Two Countries (telling the truth)
- Do You Love God? (loving God)
- The Imperfect Copy (imitating God)
- The Indian Convert (conversion)
- A Story of the Crimea (loving your enemies)
Product details:
File Size: 1974 KB
Print Length: 142 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Curiosmith (May 5, 2020)
Publication Date: May 5, 2020
Sold by: Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Kindle Version $2.95.
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