Resolutions: A Collection of Wisdom by Jonathan Edwards, Cotton Mather, Philip Doddridge and others
Look Inside: Resolutions (Table of Contents)
"These resolutions [of Jonathan Edwards], are, perhaps, to persons of every age, but especially to the young, the best uninspired summary of Christian duty, the best directory to high attainments in evangelical virtue, which the mind of man has hitherto been able to form," said S. E. Dwight. Cotton Mather thought to develop special rules for pride alone. Philip Doddridge was sensible that his heart had an inclination to depart from God. Brother Lawrence said "to establish ourselves in a sense of God's presence by continually conversing with Him." Adoniram Judson said, "God grant me grace to keep the above rules, and ever live to his glory, for Jesus Christ's sake." The resolutions allow one to see examples of the life of holiness that the Spirit of God enables Christians to follow.
Paperback 8X5.25, 138 pages, ISBN 9781946145253
Written by Jonathan Edwards, Cotton Mather, Philip Doddridge, Brother Lawrence, William Law, and Adoniram Judson.