The Life of Dr. Cotton Mather by Samuel Mather
Samuel Mather highlights Cotton Mather's discipline, intelligence, and desire for God. He presents his father as an exceedingly productive example to follow. Particular attention is paid to the details of Cotton Mather's life such as his study habits, the good he could do for others, the education of his children, his rules for conversation, diligence in ministry, and giving his heart to God. He published more than 400 works in his life.
Rewritten in 1744 by Dr. David Jennings. Recommendation by Isaac Watts. Original Preface by Thomas Prince.
"In short, it was the great ambition of his whole life to do good. His heart was set upon it; he did not therefore content himself with merely embracing opportunities of doing good, that occasionally offered, but he every now and then set apart some time on purpose to devise good; and he seldom came into any company without having this directly in his view."—The Life of Dr. Cotton Mather.
The original "Introduction" and "A Catalogue of Books" by Samuel Mather were added back into this edition from the 1729 edition.
Paperback 6X9, 104 pages. ISBN 9781935626473
Kindle Version $2.95.
Samuel Mather (1706–1785), the son of Cotton Mather, graduated from Harvard in 1723. He served as Chaplin at Castle William, in Boston Harbor. In 1733, he moved to Boston with Rev. Joshua Gee at the Second Church, Boston (Old North Meetinghouse) and stayed nine years. After being dismissed from Second Church, he formed the Tenth Congregational Society, the Meeting-house on the corner of Hanover and North Bennet Street in Boston’s North End, the remainder of his life.
Dr. David Jennings (1691–1762) was pastor to the congregation in Old Gravel Lane, Wapping. He was a friend of Isaac Watts and John Newton's family.
Rev. Thomas Prince (1687-1758) was a Harvard graduate, an historian and the pastor at the Old South Church, Boston. Princeton, Massachusetts was named after him.