Happiness: Discourses Delivered at Geneva by Agénor de Gasparin.
Translated by Mary L. Booth. Introduction by Rev. Edward N. Kirk.
Drawing on the beatitudes, the experiments of King Solomon in Ecclesiastes, and many other Scriptures, Count Gasparin formulated how God gives happiness to people. Gasparin states that happiness is a product of redemption only. Holiness is happiness and sin is misery; therefore, true happiness only starts at conversion because of mankind’s total depravity. From there happiness is lived out through obedience, accomplishing God’s work given to us, as well as prayer and dependence.
Paperback 6X9, 142 pages, ISBN 9781941281611
Count Agénor de Gasparin (1810-1871) was born at Orange, France. His father was a distinguished statesman of France. At twelve he went to the Academy Louis le Grand. At twenty-three he entered public life in the Ministry of the Interior. Soon he was appointed Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of the Interior and moved on to other positions. After nine years he moved to Switzerland and took up oration and writing. The Bible was at the center of his life and he would say “The trumpet of Jesus never sounds retreat.”