The Mountain Miller: An Authentic Narrative by William A. Hallock
Joseph Beals (1752-1813), also called the Mountain Miller, lived a life of trusting in his own righteousness for the salvation of his soul. He was strict with his family. The townspeople thought he was blameless. After he lost his house to a fire, he turned and consecrated his life to Christ. His wife was very upset with his new life and steadfastly refused join him, and even hoped for his death. She finally repented and united with him in the faith. Joseph Beals was known as a model of true Christian piety.
Paperback 8X5.25, 1 illustration, 42 pages. ISBN 9781935626336
WILLIAM ALLEN HALLOCK (1794–1880) was born in Plainfield, Massachusetts. His father, Moses Hallock, was a minister and an educator. William attended Williams College, Andover Theological Seminary and then received a doctorate at Rutgers College. He was the founder of the American Tract Society, and was corresponding secretary for many years and examined every manuscript for publication. He was editor of The American Messenger and The Child’s Paper.