A Farewell Sermon by Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was voted out of his congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts, on June 22, 1750, because of his belief that the Lord's Super was not for the unconverted. A Farewell Sermon was preached on July 1, 1750 and addressed of how a pastor cares for his congregation, and how he will meet with them again in heaven at the Judgment when all truth will be known. Jonathan Edwards gives advice and warning to the congregation. He eventually moved to work among the Housatonic Indians at Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Paperback 6X9, 66 pages. ISBN 9781935626435
Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) was born in East Windsor, Connecticut. His father, Timothy Edwards, was the minister at East Windsor. Jonathan was educated at Yale University, both in undergraduate and graduate studies. In 1727, he was ordained and became an assistant pastor with his grandfather, Rev. Solomon Stoddard, at the church in Northampton, Massachusetts. The same year he married Sarah Pierpont with whom he raised a large family. He became active in revivals and is said to be a stimulator of the "Great Awakening" along with George Whitefield. He became president of the College of New Jersey (Princeton) in 1758.