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Memoir of Harlan Page: The Power of Prayer by William Hallock (Kindle)

Memoir of Harlan Page: The Power of Prayer and Personal Effort for the Souls of Individuals.
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Harlan Page (1791–1834) was born in Coventry, Connecticut. He became a Christian at the age of 22. He worked as a teacher and for the American Tract Society. "He had one definite object before him: it was not fame, or family, or ease, or pleasure—but to honor Christ in the salvation of men." "He prayed as if all the efficiency and praise were God's, and labored as if duty were all his own. His sense of dependence threw him on his knees, and his sense of duty summoned him to effort; and prayer and effort, and effort and prayer were the business of his life." He focused on one individual at a time and had an aggressive inquiry into their lives to know if they were a Christian and if not, to press them to a decision.

Paperback Version $9.95.

WILLIAM ALLEN HALLOCK (1794–1880) was born in Plainfield, Massachusetts. His father, Moses Hallock, was a minister and an educator. William attended Williams College, Andover Theological Seminary and then received a doctorate at Rutgers College. He was the founder of the American Tract Society, and was corresponding secretary for many years and examined every manuscript for publication. He was editor of The American Messenger and The Child’s Paper.

File Size: 1925 KB
Print Length: 152 pages
Publication Date: December 19, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

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