Memoir of Richard Sibbes by Alexander Grosart (Kindle)
Memoir of Richard Sibbes.
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Puritan Richard Sibbes (1577–1635) was faithful to preach the gospel while he remained in the Church of England. This biography contains his childhood, his education at Cambridge, his ministry at Gray’s Inn, his Mastership of Catherine Hall, his conflicts with Archbishop William Laud, and his last days. Many excerpts of old documents are reproduced as well as several of his “Introductions” to other works. The text of this edition is from The Complete Works of Richard Sibbes, D.D., Vol. 1., Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1862. This edition preserves the wording of the original edition and includes all footnotes and the Appendix.
Author Alexander Balloch Grosart (1827–1899) was born at Stirling, Scotland. He was educated at the University of Edinburgh. In 1856, he was a pastor at the United Presbyterian Church of Kinross. In 1865, he pastored at Princess Park, Liverpool, and in 1868 at Mount Street Presbyterian Church, Blackburn whose congregation moved to St. George’s Church in Preston New Road. He was also an historical and literary writer who was prolific in printing literary collections. He had a special interest in Puritan theology and edited works by Richard Sibbes, Thomas Brooks, and Herbert Palmer. He is the editor of The Fuller Worthies' Library (39 vol.), The Chertsey Worthies' Library (14 vol.), Early English Poets (9 vol.), Occasional Issues of Unique and Very Rare Books (38 vol.), and The Huth Library (29 vol.).
File Size: 1381 KB
Print Length: 184 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Curiosmith (February 19, 2019)
Publication Date: February 19, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled