Brownie by Amy Le Feuvre
Brownie is aptly described as a young girl having "a tiny, rather delicate little face, with large brown eyes, looking out of a frame of thick brown tresses." Her mother, Mrs. Eustace makes her living by writing stories. Brownie and Buffie were playing in the woods when they heard what sounded like an angel, and Angelo became their new friend. Brownie tells Angelo about Jesus, but he has barely heard of the name. Soon Angelo needed a new guardian and they thought that God would miraculously provide for him, but this did not happen without the testing of their faith.
Paperback 6X9, 166 pages, 4 illustrations. ISBN 9781935626701
Amelia Sophia Le Feuvre (1861-1929) was born in Blackheath, London, England. She grew up in a large family which employed a governess for the children's education. Her father worked as a Surveyor at H. M. Customs - CSO. Her grandfather, James Mainguy, was a reverend in Guernsey. She dedicated her life to writing and wrote many books and stories that are filled with Biblical principles, for magazines like Sunday at Home and Quiver. Her publishers included Revell in Chicago, Dodd Mead in New York, Religious Tract Society in London, and Hodder and Stoughton in London. She died at Exeter, Devonshire after 68 fruitful years.