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The King's Daughter by Pansy

The King's Daughter by Pansy


Dell, a committed Christian and temperance worker, was anguished when she moved back to her father’s village tavern. Challenged to do good, she found much opposition when she ran the household in a bright, clean way. She repeatedly had to go back to her heavenly Father for strength and direction.

“She had forgotten for a moment whose child she was. The King’s Daughter! She must not forget that. Truly she had a Father whom not only all the earth but all heaven adored.” An important verse is Isaiah 55:8—“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”

Paperback 6X9, 192 pages. ISBN 9781941281048

Isabella Macdonald (1841–1930) was born in Rochester, New York, in a well-educated and religious family. The nickname "Pansy" was given to her from her father, because of picking pansies in her childhood. She was also called "Belle." She attended school at Seneca Collegiate Institute at Ovid, New York, and then at Young Ladies Institute, Auburn, New York. In 1866, she married Gustavus Rosenberg Alden, a Presbyterian minister.  She was dedicated to communication of the Gospel through writing. She wrote Sunday-school lessons and magazine articles. She wrote hundreds of books and stories in her lifetime.

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