A. L. O. E. (Charlotte Maria Tucker)

CHARLOTTE MARIA TUCKER (1821–1883) was born in Barnet, England. Her father, Henry St. George Tucker, was chairman of the East India Company. Henry was against girls going to school, so Charlotte was educated at home. Henry discouraged writing so nothing was published before his death. Charlotte was full of energy, vitality and was very generous. She was a deep thinker, seemingly always religious. She had talent in music, drawing, writing, acting and teaching. She lived at No. 3 Upper Portland Place, her childhood home, for 49 years. Her brothers moved to India, but she took care of her mother until she died in 1869. Afterwards, being financially successful and free of caring for her mother, she took up the study of Hindustani. In 1875, she felt a divine call and traveled to India for 18 years and carried on missionary work until her death. She continued to write stories in India.
A theme of her life was teaching: whether it was teaching Bible Classes in the Boys School in India, or teaching women in Indian Zenanas (segregated rooms for Indian women in the purdah system), or writing stories with an instructional purpose for English children or writing booklets especially for Indian children. Her pen name was A.L.O.E. (A Lady of England) which she kept even though she was "A Lady of India" for the last 18 years of her life. Early in her life, she wrote and acted in plays for home amusement. Her earliest story is "The Claremont Tales," illustrates the Beatitudes. Many stories were printed in "The Children's Paper." A popular story was "Rambles of a Rat" which is about household rodents talking of their adventures.
Curiosmith features:
- Sunday Chaplet of Stories (ePub)
- Sunday Chaplet of Stories (kindle)
- Hymns and Poems.
- The Mine: Darkness and Light.
- The Robbers' Cave: A Tale of Italy.
- The Claremont Tales: Illustrations of the Beatitudes.
- Wings and Stings.
- Angus Tarlton: Illustrations of the Fruits of the Spirit.
- Our Sympathizing High Priest: Meditations on the Daily Sorrows of Our Saviour.
Interesting facts:
- The Duke of Wellington attended one of their parties.
- Batala had aloe hedges which people made jokes about because it was the same name as the author ALOE.
- In India, Miss Tucker lived a life of rigid simplicity with few belongings even though she could afford more.
- Father – Henry St. George Tucker, (his middle name from an island in Bermuda where he was born.) He worked for East India Company 1786-1815; during 1815-1826 he lived in England; he was Director of the East India Company 1826-1851. He was also a writer.
- Mother – Jane Boswell- married Henry in 1811.
- Brother – Henry Carre Tucker, British civil servant in India. Commissioner at Benares. (1st )
- Sister – Sibella Jane, married Rev. Frederick Hamilton. (2nd)
- Sister – Frances Anne (3rd)
- Brother – George William (died in infancy). (4th)
- Brother – Robert Tudor Tucker – Died in the Indian Mutiny of 1857. (5th)
- Herself – Charlotte Maria. (6th)
- Brother – St. George, Mirzapore, India. (7th)
- Sister – Dorothea Laura, married Otho Hamilton, Frederick's older brother. (8th)
- Brother – William Tucker. (9th)
- Brother – Charleton. (10th)
- Sister – Clara. (11th)
Cutt, Margaret Nancy. Ministering Angels. Dorset: The Blackmore Press, 1979
Giberne, Agnes. A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1896.
ALOE Booklist:
- Adopted Son (The)
- An Eden in England
- Angus Tarlton: Illustrations of the Fruits of the Spirit - $6.95
- Backward Swing (The), and Other Stories
- Battling with the World
- Beautiful Garment, and other stories (The)
- Ben Stone
- Beyond the Black Waters: A Tale [or Dark Waters]
- Black Yarn and Blue and Other Tales
- Blacksmith of Boniface Lane (The)
- Blind Alice and Her Benefactors
- Braid of Cords (A)
- Brother's Return (The) and Other Stories
- Castle of Carlsmont (The)
- Children's Garland (The): A Picture Story Book
- Children's Posy (The): A Picture Story Book
- Children's Tabernacle; or, Hand-work and Heart-work
- Christ and the Soul: Texts Selected and Spiritual Song
- Christian Conquests
- Christian Love and Loyalty
- Christian's Mirror; or, Words in Season
- City of Nocross and Its Famous Physician (The)
- Claremont Tales; or, Illustrations of the Beatitudes - $9.95
- Claudia: A Tale
- Convict's Child (The); or, The Helmut of Hope
- Cords of Sin
- Cottage by the Stream
- Court at Ravenna a Comedy (The)
- Crown of Success (The); or, Four Heads to Furnish
- Cyril Ashley. A Tale.
- Daybreak in Britain
- Dora's Mistake a Story
- Driven into Exile
- Edith and Her Ayah, and Other Stories
- Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining; and five other little books
- Exiles in Babylon, or Children of Light
- Fairy Frisket; or, Peeps at Insect Life
- Fairy in a Spider's Web (The)
- Fairy Know-a-bit; or, A Nutshell of Knowledge
- Falsely Accused; or, Christian Conquests
- Father's Letter: A New Year Story
- Flora; or, Self-Deception
- Forlorn Hope (The)
- Freedom: A Tale of Early Christians
- Friend in Need (A) and Other Stories
- Futteypore
- Gain or Loss
- Giant-Killer (The), or The Battle which All Must Fight
- Gift Book for the New Year
- Glimpses of the Unseen: Poems
- Golden Fleece (The)
- Good for Evil, and Other Stories
- Grace Vernon; or, Christian Love and Loyalty
- Grannie's Love Proof; or, Words without Deeds or Little Husks without Seeds
- Harold Hartley
- Harold's Bride
- Harry Dangerfield, the Poacher
- Hartley Brothers (The)
- Hasty Blow (A)
- Haunted Room (The)
- Hebrew Heroes; A Tale founded on Jewish History
- History of a Needle
- Holiday Chaplet of Stories (The)
- Hours with Orientals
- House Beautiful; or, the Bible Museum Opened
- Hymn My Mother Taught Me and other Stories (The)
- Hymns and Poems - $7.95
- Idols in the Heart
- Illustrations of the Parables
- Iron Chain and the Golden (The)
- Is There a Hart in it? A New Year's Address 1871
- Lady of Provence (The); or, Humbled and Healed. A Tale of the First French Revolution
- Lake of the Woods (The)
- Life in the Eagles Nest
- Life in the White Bears Den
- Light In the Robbers Cave (The)
- Little Brother (The)
- Little Bullets from Batala
- Living Jewels: Diversities of Christian Character
- Lost Jewel (The)
- Mahala, the Jewish Slave. A Story of Early Christianity
- Message of Hope (The) and Other Stories
- Mine (The); or, Darkness and Light - $7.95
- Miracles of Heavenly Love in Daily Life
- My Neighbor's Shoes; or, Feeling for Others
- Ned Franks; or, The Christian Panoply
- Needle and the Rat (The)
- New Stories
- New Year's Address for 1857: As Ye Sow So Shall Ye Reap
- New Year's Hymns
- Nora's Trial
- Nutshell of Knowledge (A)
- Old Friends with New Faces
- Olive-branch (The), and Other Stories
- On the Way; or, Places Passed by Pilgrims
- Only a Little, and Other Stories
- Our Sympathizing High Priest: - $4.95 Meditations on the Daily Sorrows of the Saviour
- Parliament in the Play-room
- Pearl, and other stories (The)
- Pearls of Wisdom
- Percival's Picture Gallery
- Picture Story-Book
- Pictures of St. Paul Drawn in an English Home
- Pictures of St. Peter in an English Home
- Poetry by ALOE
- Pomegranates from the Punjab. Indian Stories.
- Precepts in Practice; or, Stories Illustrating the Proverbs
- Pretty Present for Pets
- Pride and His Prisoners
- Rambles of a Rat (The)
- Rescued From Egypt
- Robbers Cave (The). A Story of Italy - $7.95
- Roby Family (The); or, Battling with the World. A sequel to the Giant Killer; or, the battle which we all must fight
- Rope Cable Cut (The) and Other Stories
- Scripture Puzzles with Simple Descriptive Narratives and Bible Questions
- Seven Perils Passed
- Sheer Off: A Tale
- Shepherd of Bethlehem (The), King of Israel
- Silver Casket (The); or, Love Not the World
- Silver Keys (The)
- Sketch of History of the Jews
- Sketches of the Life of Luther
- Sophie Claymore
- Spanish Cavalier (The)
- Stories for the Young
- Stories from History of the Jews
- Stories from Jewish History: from the Babylonish Captivity to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus
- Story of a Needle (The)
- Straight Road Is Shortest and Surest (The)
- Sunday Chaplet of Stories (The)
- Sunday Picture Book: Illustrating the Life of the Lord Christ in a Series of Short Poems
- Teacher Taught (The)
- Thorn in the Conscience and Other Stories
- Thoughtful Alice and Other Stories
- Tiny Red Night-cap (The), and Other Stories
- Tit, Tiny and Tittens, the Three White Kittens
- Triumph over Midian (The)
- Truant Kitten (The), and Other Stories
- True Heroism
- Try Again, and Other Stories
- Two Crutches (The) and Other Stories
- Two Dinners (The)and Other Stories
- Upwards and Downwards and Other Stories
- Victory (The), and Other Stories
- Wanderer in Africa (The)
- War and Peace. A Tale of Retreat from Cabul
- What Is a Christian?
- Whirlpool (The)
- Whispering Unseen; or, Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only
- White Bear's Den (The)
- Wings and Stings: a Tale for the Young. - $6.95
- Wonderous Sickle (The) and other stories
- Wreath of Indian Stories (A)
- Wreath of Smoke (A)
- Young Pilgrim (The); A Tale Illustrative of the Pilgrim's Progress.
- Zaida's Nursery Note-Book for the Use of Mothers
- Zenana Reader (The)
Booklist compiled from publishers' listings, Google Books searches, and Nancy Cutt's "Ministering Angels: A Study of Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Writing for Children."
ALOE small Booklet List:
- African Child (The)
- Bag of Treasure (The)
- Black Cliff (The); Illustrations of the Parables
- Brahmini Bull (The)
- Brahmin's Story (A)
- Child Marriage (The)
- Conquerer (A) 39 pages - Included in "What Is a Christian?"
- Eight Pearls of Blessing
- Flower of Young India (The)
- Flowers and Fruits
- For Whom is This?
- Fountain and the Cloud (The)
- Gideon the Hero
- Gift to the Caliph
- India's People
- Intercessor (The)
- Jai Singh, the Brave Sikh; and other Stories
- Let in the Daylight
- Mirror and the Bracelet (The)
- New Way of Eating Kelas (Plantains)
- Oldest Language of All (The)
- Ploughshare (The)
- Precious Trust (The)
- Prophet and the Leper (The)
- Rainbow (The)
- Rajah and his Servants (The)
- Rebel (The)
- Search after a Pearl (The)
- Spiritual and Physical Analogies
- Story of a Farmer
- Story of Dr. Duff
- Story of the Pink Chaddar
- Trees to be Cut Down
- Turban with a Border of Gold (The)
- Twice-Born (The)
- Two Pilgrims to Kashi (The) and other stories
- Vessels of Gold.
- Walayat Ali, the Martyr
- Widows and the Bible.
- Wonderful Medicine (The); and other stories
- Wreath of Stories