Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis by William Ellis

Mary Mercy Moor (1793–1835) was born in London, England. Her father died in her infancy and her mother died at 8 years of age. She had a strong desire to be used as a missionary. She married William Ellis in 1815 and left for the South Seas in 1816. After a 13-month journey they arrived in Tahiti and began their missionary work. They transferred to the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) in 1823. They traveled back to England in 1825 because of Mary’s poor health and William started his lecturing tour. She endured years of sickness and was an example of honoring God in affliction.
“The course of her life, marked by unusual variety and incident, the correctness of her principles, the maturity of her Christian character, and, by the Divine blessing, her high attainments in Christian excellence, her patience in tribulation, and rich experience of Divine goodness under unusually long and complicated trials, are peculiarly adapted to impart instruction and consolation to all who are striving to be followers of those “who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”
Paperback 6X9, 140 pages, ISBN 9781946145697
William Ellis (1794–1872) was born in London, England. He was educated through employment, self-study, and some schooling. He learned gardening, printing, and missions which were all used later in his life. He married Mary Mercy Moor in 1815. He left in 1816 for the mission field in Tahiti and Hawaiian Islands associated with the London Missionary Society. He was a printer of missionary tracts in the Pacific. They came back in 1825 for Mary’s health and William traveled and gave lectures to promote missionary work. He became Foreign Secretary to the London Missionary Society. He married Sarah Stickney in 1837 (two years after Mary died), who was an author and educationalist. In 1847 he became pastor of congregational church in Hoddesdon for five years. He went on many missionary trips to Madagascar starting in 1853 to help reestablish churches that were damaged by Christian persecution. He did botanical studies and collected plant specimens during his travels. He wrote many books about life in the South Seas and Madagascar.
Introduction by Rufus Anderson (1796–1880) was born in Yarmouth, Maine. His father was a Congregational pastor. He was educated at Bowdoin College and Andover Seminary. He wanted to be a missionary but instead worked as Secretary for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He dedicated many years to the administration, policies, visitation, and documentation of foreign missions. He was well traveled and wrote many books and articles. He helped develop the three self method: self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.