Memoir of Jacob Thomas: Missionary to Assam by Sarah M. Fuller Harris
Jacob Thomas (1811-1837) was born at Newburgh, N.Y.; and in 1825, the family moved to Elbridge, N.Y. He was baptized in 1828, into the First Baptist Church of Elbridge by Rev. C. M. Fuller. Sarah Harris, the author of this book was the daughter of Rev. Fuller. Jacob Thomas spent five years at Hamilton Theological Seminary preparing for the ministry. In 1836, he was ordained, got married, and left for India. After spending six months sailing to India, three month traveling up the Brahmaputra River, only three hours from his destination, a large tree fell on his boat and crushed him. “It began to rain, and he had just gone inside of the boat, when a huge tree precipitated itself from the shore, across the bowels of my brother, sinking him and the boat into the deep.” “How dark and deeply mysterious are the ways of Providence!” His wife, Sarah Thomas, married Rev. Osgood, printer in Maulmain, and remained a missionary for eight years.
Paperback 6X9; 182 pages; ISBN 9781946145581
Kindle Page for Memoir of Jacob Thomas. ($2.95)
Sarah M. Fuller (1814–1893) was born at Grafton, Vermont. She was the daughter of Rev. Cyrenius M. Fuller, who became pastor of the Baptist Church at Elbridge in 1827. Jacob Thomas was baptized at this church in 1828. She married Edward Lansing Harris (1816-1897), a Baptist pastor, and they eventually moved to Wisconsin.
Timeline of events in Jacob Thomas' life:
1811 – Thomas was born at Newburgh, N.Y.
1825 – The Thomas family moved to Elbridge, N.Y.
1828 – Jacob Thomas was baptized by Rev. C. M. Fuller.
1831 -1836 – Hamilton Theological Seminary.
1836 – August 19, Jacob Thomas ordained at Elbridge.
1836 – August 22, Thomas and Sarah Maria Willsley were married.
1836 – October 17, Sailed from Boston on the ship Rosabella.
1837 – Jan 8, Indian Ocean.
1837 – Feb 13, Padang, Sumatra.
1837 – April 11, Arrived at Calcutta.
1837 – April 26, left Calcutta, to go up the river.
1837 – May 17, entered the Brahmaputra River.
1837 – June 4, reached Guwahati.
1837 – July 7, Jacob Thomas died in his boat on the river.
1838 – Maria was married to Rev. Sewell M. Osgood by Adoniram Judson in Maulmain, Burma.
1849 – July 13 Marie died age 34.