Rufus Anderson

Rufus Anderson (1796–1880) was born in Yarmouth, Maine. His father was a Congregational pastor. He was educated at Bowdoin College and Andover Seminary. He wanted to be a missionary but instead worked as Secretary for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He dedicated many years to the administration, policies, visitation, and documentation of foreign missions. He was well traveled and wrote many books and articles. He helped develop the three self method: self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.
Curiosmith features:
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis (Introduction)
Booklist of Rufus Anderson:
- Bartimeus, the Blind Preacher of Manaia.
- Foreign Missions: their Relations and Claims.
- Hawaiian Islands (The), their Progress and Condition under Missionary Labors.
- Heathen Nation Civilized (A): History of the Sandwich Islands Mission.
- History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, viz.: Sandwich Islands, Oriental Missions, Missions to India. (5 volumes)
- Irish Missions in the Early Ages.
- Memoir of Catherine Brown, A Christian Indian in the Cherokee Nation.
- Missionary Herald (The) articles.
- Missions in the Levant.
- Observations on Peloponnesus and the Greek Islands.
- Synopsis of Lectures on Missions.
His travels include:
- South America - 1818
- Cuba – 1823, 1824
- Mediterranean – 1828, 1829, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1855
- Greece, Turkey, and Syria - 1843
- India – 1854, 1855
- Sandwich Islands - 1863