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William Ellis

William Ellis (1794–1872) was born in London, England. His background allowed education through employment, self-study, and some schooling. Subjects included gardening, printing, and missions which were used later in his life. He married Mary Mercy Moor in 1815. He left in 1816 for the mission field in Tahiti and Hawaiian Islands associated with the London Missionary Society. He was a printer of missionary tracts in the Pacific. They came back in 1825 for Mary’s health and William traveled and gave lectures to promote missionary work. He became Foreign Secretary to the London Missionary Society. He married Sarah Stickney in 1837 (two years after Mary died), who was an author and educationalist. In 1847 he became pastor of congregational church in Hoddesdon for five years. He went on many missionary trips to Madagascar starting in 1853 to help reestablish churches that were damaged by Christian persecution. He did botanical studies and collected plant specimens during his travels. He wrote many books about life in the South Seas and Madagascar. 

Curiosmith features: 
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis

William Ellis Booklist:

  1. American Mission in the Sandwich Islands (The).
  2. Christian Keepsake (The) and Missionary Annual edited by the Rev. William Ellis.
  3. History of Madagascar.
  4. History of the London Missionary Society.
  5. Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands 1823, 1824, 1825.
  6. Journal of a Tour Around Hawaii (A) the Largest of the Sandwich Islands.
  7. Journal of Three Voyages Along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832, 1833.
  8. Madagascar Revisited.
  9. Martyr Church (The): A Narrative of the Introduction, Progress, and Triumph of Christianity in Madagascar.
  10. Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis, wife of William Ellis.
  11. Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii or Owhyhee.
  12. Polynesian Researches, during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands.
  13. Three Visits to Madagascar in 1853, 1854, 1856.
  14. Vindication of the South Sea Island Missions from the misrepresentations of Otto Von Kotzebue (A).
  15. Visit to the South Seas (A), in the U.S. ship Vincennes.