Eliza Cunningham by John Newton
Eliza Cunningham (1771–1785), was adopted by the Rev. John Newton in 1783. She was the daughter of James and Elizabeth Cunningham. Elizabeth was the sister of John Newton’s wife, Mary. Consumption had gripped this 14-year-old niece, but she was a treasure in character. Her father, brother, sister and then her mother had passed away and entered the joy of their Lord. John Newton had taken a special liking to her and gave her much loving care. This account was originally written only for friends, but then published widespread because of demand.
Visit the Eliza Cunningham page.
Visit the Elizabeth Catlett page.
Twenty-One Letters to Elizabeth Catlett
Paperback 4X6, 70 pages, 1 illustration, ISBN 9781941281918
JOHN NEWTON (1725–1807) was born in London, England. His father was a sailor and John also spent many years on the sea. Early in his life he enjoyed sin and made provisions for it. This degraded him to be a slave of a slave-trader who was treated poorly. He was inspired by reading The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis. On March 21, 1748, (March 10th using the pre 1752 Julian calendar) a stormy night at sea turned his heart toward God. He started a new life of prayer and Bible reading. Mary Catlett became his wife in 1750. He worked as a commandeer of a slave ship and then he became a tide surveyor in 1755. He started studying Greek and Hebrew and was sworn in as a deacon in 1764, and became curate at Olney. He had a financial benefactor in John Thornton of London, which allowed him many privileges for relief to the poor and to keep an hospitable open house. He was a swaying influence for many lives. He wrote a book of hymns together with William Cowper called the Olney Hymns which was published in 1779. He is most known for writing the hymn "Amazing Grace."