Who Are the Happy? by Jared B. Waterbury (PDF)
Rev. Jared Waterbury declares Biblical living has the greatest effect on happiness. His main point is that joy is found in the presence of God only. He defends religion against opposing views that think religion makes people gloomy. He stresses living a dedicated life and giving up the world’s ways to be happy. As he states: “The object of this treatise is to urge its readers to seek for those attainments in piety which shall be not only a solace under the trials of life, but which shall make their felicity sure, and place it on a foundation which can never be disturbed.”
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JARED BELL WATERBURY (1799–1876) was born in New York City, New York. He was educated at Yale College, Princeton Theological Seminary and he received his Doctor of Divinity from Union College. He was ordained in 1825 by the Presbytery of New York. After a few short pastorates he spent thirteen years at First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, N. Y. and eleven years at Bowdoin Street Congregational Church, Boston. He wrote many Christians books, sermons and hymns.