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Jared Bell Waterbury

JARED BELL WATERBURY (1799–1876) was born in New York City, New York. He was educated at Yale College, Princeton Theological Seminary and he received his Doctor of Divinity from Union College. He was ordained in 1825 by the Presbytery of New York. After a few short pastorates he spent thirteen years at First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, N. Y. and eleven years at Bowdoin Street Congregational Church, Boston. He wrote many Christians books, sermons and hymns.

Curiosmith features:
Who Are the Happy?

Jared Bell Waterbury booklist:
Advice to a Young Christian
Ball and Prayer-Meeting
Bearing the Cross
Book for the Sabbath
Brighter Age; a Poem (The)
Child of the Covenant
Children Led to the Saviour
Considerations for Young Men
Cords of Love
Cross and Crown (The)
Happy Christian
Little Foxes
Manual of Devotion
Memoir of Rev. John Scudder, D.D., Thirty-six Years Missionary in India
Mustered Out
Oak Street Corner
Officer on Duty (The)
Precious Saviour (A)
Remains of Mrs. Catherine Winslow
Sabbaths Abroad
Sceptic Refuted
Sea and the Sailors of the Bible (The)
Sketches of [23] Eloquent Preachers
Soldier from Home (The)
Soldier on Guard (The)
Something for the Hospital
Something for the Knapsack
Southern Planters and the Freedmen
Taking up the Cross
True and False Courage
Voyage of Life
Who are the Happy?