Arthur Tappan Pierson
Arthur Tappan Pierson (1837–1911) was born in Manhattan, New York. He was educated at Hamilton College and Union Theological Seminary. He was ordained as a Presbyterian minister and later became a Baptist. He pastored many churches in America and also the Metropolitan Tabernacle during Charles Spurgeon’s last illness. He was friends with many famous pastors of his day. He is known for invigorating mission work, starting the Student Volunteer Movement and editing The Missionary Review of the World for 25 years.
Curiosmith features:
In Christ Jesus.
Arthur Pierson booklist:
- Acts of the Holy Spirit (The)
- Apostolic missions, the gospel for every creature: A Sermon First Preached Before the Baptist Missionary Society, April 26, 1871
- Believer's Life: Its Past, Present, And Future Tenses (The)
- Bible and Spiritual Criticism (The): Being the Second Series of Exeter Hall Lectures on the Bible Delivered in London, England, in the Months of February, March and April, 1904
- Bible and spiritual life (The)
- Bible in private and public (The)
- Catharine of Siena: an ancient lay preacher
- Coronation Hymnal (The)
- Crisis of Missions; or, The Voice out of the Clouds (The)
- Divine Art of Preaching (The): Lectures delivered at the "Pastor's College” connected with the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, England, from January to June 1892.
- Divine Enterprise of Missions (The)
- Evangelistic Work in Principal and Practice
- Forward movements of the last half century
- From the pulpit to the palm-branch: A memorial of C. H. Spurgeon
- George Muller of Bristol
- Godly Self-control
- God's Living Oracles: Being the Exeter Hall Lectures on the Bible Delivered in London, England in the Months of January, February, March and April, 1903
- Gordian Knot (The) or, the Problem Which Baffles Infidelity
- Greatest Work in the World (The), or The Evangelisation of all ...
- Heart of the Gospel (The): Sermons on the Life-changing Power of the Good News
- Heights of the Gospel (The)
- Hopes of the Gospels (The)
- In Full Armour, Or, The Disciple Equipped for Conflict with the Devil
- Inspired Word (The): a Series of Papers and Addresses delivered at the Bible Inspiration Conference
- Keswick movement (The): in precept and practice
- Keys to the Word; or, Help to Bible Study
- Knowing the Scriptures: rules and methods of Bible study
- Love in Wrath
- Love in Wrath: Or, The Perfection of God's Judgments : an Address Before Mildmay Conference, London, England, June 21, 1892
- Making of a Sermon (The)
- Many Infallible Proofs: a Series of Chapters on the Evidences of Christianity; or, The Written and Living Word of God
- One Gospel (The)
- Outline studies of great themes of the Bible
- Pierson Plan of Bible Study (A)
- Pillar of Fire (The): A Word of Witness from Personal Experience
- Privileges of Saints (The): a sermon on the eighth chapter of Romans
- Risks and the Rescue of Young Men (The): A Sermon, Preached Before the Young Men's Christian Association, of Detroit, at Their Anniversary, Sabbath Evening, Nov. 12, 1871, in the Fort Street Presbyterian Church,
- Seed Thoughts for Public Speakers
- Spirit's voice to the churches (The)
- Stumbling Stones Removed from the Word of God
- Supernatural (The): Addresses by Rev. A. T. Pierson
- The Rise of Christian Missions: And the Stewardship of Money
- Unity of the Bible (The): a proof of inspiration
- Zachariah Chandler: an outline sketch of his life and public services
- Gospel of Thy Grace
- New Song (The)
- Once I was dead in Sin
- To Thee, O God, We Rasie