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Angus Tarlton: Illustrations of the Fruits of the Spirit by A.L.O.E

Angus Tarlton: Illustrations of the Fruits of the Spirit by A.L.O.E (PDF)


The fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, etc. are exemplified throughout the book, one to a chapter. Angus Tarlton was a sixteen year old boy who was a prideful, disagreeable person that had lost his enthusiasm for life because of a crippling accident. The story shows how he learned to be a comfort and companion to others. He was able to accomplish a brave, heroic deed which exemplified many fruits of the Spirit. Also contained in this book is the short story “Don’t Be Too Sure” by A.L.O.E., which is about trusting in God’s Providence instead of your own plans and abilities.

PDF Download, 102 pages, 2 illustrations.

By A.L.O.E. - Charlotte Maria Tucker

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