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William Swan Plumer

William Swan Plumer (1802–1880) was born in Darlington, Pennsylvania. He was educated at Washington College and Princeton Theological Seminary. He married Eliza Gardner Hasell in 1829. He became a pastor at churches in Virginia, North Carolina and Maryland. He became a professor at Western Theological Seminary (1854 -1862) and a professor at Columbia Theological Seminary (1867 - 1880). He wrote many books, Bible commentaries, and was a contributor to “The American Messenger” magazine.

Curiosmith features:
Ann Eliza Williams – A Child a Hundred Years Old.

American Tract Society tracts he wrote:
# 86 - Am I Self-Deceived?
# 187 - The Law of the Sabbath Still Binding and What it Forbids.
# 359 - The Child a Hundred Years Old. (Ann Eliza Williams)
# 364 - How to Make the Most of Life.
# 367 - Live for the World.
# 368 - Don't Put It Off.
# 372 - Joy in Sorrow or Comfort for the Bereaved.
# 389 - Do You Forgive All Your Enemies?
# 415 - How to Spend the Lord's Day.
# 508 - George Taylor.
# 515 - Novel Reading.
Why Do I Rest in Christ?

Other tracts William Plumer wrote:
A Friendly Letter to a Young Man (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
A Letter On the Death of a Child (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
A Western Patriarch: an Authentic Narrative (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
Assurance of Grace and Salvation (Presbyterian Committee of Publication)
Family Worship (Phillips & Hunt. Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden. Tract Department)
God's Purpose of Grace (Sovereign Grace Union)
How Stands My Case with God?: A Help to Self-examination (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
How to Bring up Children: Written for the Presbyterian Board of Publication
How to Use the Bible (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
Sin Must Die: or the Soul Must Die (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
Sins of the Tongue: with Rules and Reasons for Avoiding Them (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
Ten Great Facts (Presbyterian Board of Education)
The Lord Jesus Christ: Our Life, Our Joy and Our Glory (Board of Publication of the Ref. Prot. Dutch Church)
The Martyrdom of Polycarp (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
The Right Temper for a Student of God's Word (Presbyterian Committee of Publication)
The Triumph of Grace (Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Board of Publication)
Theatrical Entertainments: A Premium Tract (Baptist General Tract Society)
Think on God's Name and On All His Works and Ways (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
To a Young Preacher (New York: Phillips & Hunt. Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden. Tract Department)
To an Old Person Who Has No Hope in Christ: Written for the Presbyterian Board of Publication
What Can I Do? (Phillips & Hunt. Cincinnati: Walden & Stowe)
What is True Repentance? (Presbyterian Board of Publication)
What think you of Christ? (Board of Publication of the Ref. Prot. Dutch Church)
Will Ye Have This Christ? (Presbyterian Board of Publication

Books William Plumer wrote:
A Call to Personal Labor as a Foreign Missionary
A Word to the Weary
Addresses on the Education of Men and Women
Balm for Wounded Spirits
Christ our Theme and Glory: Being the Inaugural Address
Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Commentary on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Hebrews
False Doctrines and False Teachers: How to Know Them and How to Treat Them
Hints and Helps in Pastoral Theology
Jehovah-Jireh: A Treatise on Providence
Joy in Sorrow, or, Comfort for the Bereaved
Manual for the Members of the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia
Martyrs and Sufferers for the Truth
Plain and Simple Thoughts for Children and Parents
Plain Thoughts About Great and Good Things for Little Boys and Girls
Rome against the Bible, and the Bible against Rome; or, Pharisaism, Jewish and Papal
Short Sermons for the People
Short Sermons to Little Children
Studies of the Book of Psalms, Being a Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks
Substance of an Argument against the Indiscriminate Incorporation of Churches and Religious Societies
The Bible True, and Infidelity Wicked
The Church and her Enemies: or, Practical Reflections on the Trials and Triumphs of God's Afflicted People
The Grace of Christ, or, Sinners Saved by Unmerited Kindness
The Incomprehensibility of God's Nature and Ways
The Law of God as contained in the Ten Commandments, Explained and Enforced
The Offices of Christ: Abridged from the Original Work of the Rev. George Stevenson
The Person and Sinless Character of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Ribbon Room, and other Stories: with Thoughts for Boys and Girls
The Rock of Our Salvation: A Treatise Respecting the Natures, Person, Offices, Work, Sufferings, and Glory of Jesus Christ