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Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1787–1851) was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was educated at Yale University and Andover Theological Seminary. He was a preacher and instructor. He became interested in the deaf and dumb when he saw that a neighborhood girl, Alice Cogswell, was having trouble playing with other children. She was deaf and dumb and he began to work with her extensively. She was the first student to enroll in what later became The American School for the Deaf and Dumb, founded in 1817 by T. H. Gallaudet. Another student at the school, Sophia Fowler, became his wife in 1821. He was the principal at the school until 1830, when he resigned and wrote children’s books. Also he was a chaplin for the insane asylum and minister at the Hartford county jail. Later his son, Edward, founded a deaf and blind school, Gallaudet University, which was named after him.

Curiosmith features:
The Child's Book on Repentance: Designed Also for Older Persons
The First Voyage. (online in entirety)

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet Booklist:
Child’s Book of Bible Stories (The)
Child’s Book on Repentance (The); Designed, also, for Older Persons
Child’s Book on the Fall of Man (The)
Child’s Book on the Soul (The); Two Parts in One
Child’s Picture Defining and Reading Book (The)
Discourses on Various Points of Christian Faith and Practice; Most of Which Were Delivered in the Chapel of the Oratoire, in Paris, in the Spring of 1816.
Elementary Book for the Use of the Deaf and Dumb (An)
Everyday Christian (The)
First Voyage (The)
History of Jonah for Children and Youth, Designed Also As an aid to Familiar Biblical Exposition, in Families, Sunday Schools, and Bible Classes
History of Josiah the Young King of Judah (The)
Mother’s Primer (The)
Plan of a Seminary for the Education of Instructors of Youth
Practical Spelling-Book (The), with Reading Lessons.
Principals of Teaching
School and Family Dictionary, and Illustrative Definer
Scriptural Catechism (A), Designed Principally for the Deaf and Dumb in the American Asylum
Scripture Biography for the Young: With Critical Illustrations and Practical Remarks
Various Addresses
Various Sermons

Youth’s Book on Natural Theology (The); Illustrated in Familiar Dialogues, with Numerous Engravings