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Samuel Jones Cassels

Samuel Jones Cassels (1806–1853) was born in Liberty County, Georgia. At 17 he made a confession of faith and joined the Midway Congregational Church. He studied at Franklin College and graduated in 1828. He was ordained in Augusta, Georgia in 1829. He served at a church in Washington, Georgia in 1831. He moved to Macon, Georgia to the Presbyterian Church in 1836. He married in 1838, Miss Mary Eliza Winn (1809–1838). He moved to Norfolk, Virginia, until 1846 and then to Savannah, Georgia where he was principal at the Chatham Academy. He left a legacy of poetry.

Curiosmith features:
The Navy Surgeon: The Conversion of Dr. Charles H. Broughton

Original Title: The Conversion of Dr. Charles H. Broughton, Late of the United States Navy.