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John H. Jowett

JOHN HENRY JOWETT (1864–1923) was born in Halifax, Yorkshire, England. He grew up in a Christian family and was educated at Airedale College, Bradford, the University of Edinburgh and Mansfield College, Oxford. He served at St. James Congregational Church in Newcastle (1890–1895), Carr’s Lane Congregational Chapel in Birmingham (1895–1911), Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City (1911–1917), and Westminster Chapel in London (1918–1922). He was a very respected and popular preacher.

Curiosmith features:
The Silver Lining: Messages of Hope and Cheer

John H. Jowett  Booklist:
Apostolic Optimism and Other Sermons
Best of John Henry Jowett (The) (complied by Gerald Kennedy)
Brooks by the Traveller’s Way: Twenty-six Weeknight Addresses
Come Ye Apart: Daily Exercises in Prayer and Devotion
Daily Altar: A Prayer for Each Day
Eagle Life (The) and Other Studies in the Old Testament
Epistles of St. Peter (The): A Practical and Devotional Commentary
Folly of Unbelief (The): and Other Mediations for Quiet Moments
Friend on the Road (The) and Other Studies in the Gospels
From Strength to Strength
God - Our Contemporary: Sermons for the Times
High Calling: Meditations on St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
King’s Guest’s (The)
Life in the Heights: Studies in the Epistles
Meditations for Quiet Moments
My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year
Our Blessed Dead
Passion for Souls (The)
Preacher (The): His Life and Work
Redeemed Family of God (The): Studies in the Epistles of Peter
School of Calvary (The)
Sharing His Sufferings; or, The School of Calvary
Silver Lining (The): Messages of Hope and Cheer
Spirit of Christmas (The) [A Prayer]
Springs in the Desert: Studies in the Psalms
Things that Matter Most: Devotional Papers
Things Which Cannot Be Shaken: a sermon delivered in the First Avenue Presbyterian Church.
Thirsting for the Springs: Twenty-six Weeknight Meditations
Transfigured Church (The)
Whole Armour of God (The)
Yet Another Day: A Prayer for Every Day of the Year