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The Source of Joy

Charles Doe happiness

"There is a joy which contains the germ of all other joys—the joy of salvation. To know that our sins—our own sins—have been nailed to the cross of Christ; to know that we belong to our God for ever; to measure with the eye that grace which adopted us before the stars were brought forth, and which will still hold us in its keeping when the skies of today shall have ceased to shine for us; to contemplate that love which reaches, let me say, from eternity to eternity—from the eternity that has gone before to the eternity that is to follow after—is to feel our heart resume the normal position from which it was wrested by the fall. Henceforth, we have a father, a house, a family, a country, and we inhale with delight the fragrant odors of the zephyr that is wafted from heaven."


Excerpt from: Agenor de Gasparin, Happiness: Discourses Delivered at Geneva, (Boston: American Tract Society, 1863.)

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