Thomas Hooker
Thomas Hooker (1586–1647) is known as the “Father of Connecticut.” He was born in Marfield, England and attended school in Cambridge. For four years he was a popular preacher at Chelmsford, England, but was eventually silenced for declining conformity to “superstitious externals.” He taught for a while and then left for Holland. After three years, in 1633, he sailed for New England with friends John Cotton and Samuel Stone. Initially he pastored in Newtown (Cambridge), then removed to Hartford. He was formative in the governments of church and state of colonial New England.
Curiosmith features:
The Life of Thomas Hooker by Edward W. Hooker (Kindle Version)
Book List:
- Application of Redemption. (The) by the Effectual work of the Word and Spirit of Christ, for the bringing home of lost Sinners to God.
- Christ’s Prayer for Believers; a Series of Discourses founded on John 17:20–26.
- Christian's Two Chief Lessons: Self-Denial and Self-Trial. (The)
- Comment upon Christ's Last Prayer (A)
- Covenant of Grace Opened. (The)
- Culpable Ignorance, or the Danger of Ignorance under Means.
- Danger of Desertion (The) or A Farewell Sermon of Mr. Thomas Hooker.
- Equal Ways of God (The): Tending to the Rectifying of the Crooked Ways of Man.
- Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. (An)
- Exposition of the Principles of Religion. (An)
- Faithful Covenanter. (The)
- Farewell Sermon to his Parish at Chainsford, [Chelmsford] England.
- Four godly and learned Treatises - The Carnal Hypocrite; Churches Deliverance; Deceitfulness of Sin; and the Benefit of Afflictions.
- Garments of Salvation first putt off by the Fall of our first Parents. (The) Secondly, putt on again by the Grace of the Gospel.
- Heautonaparnumenos: or a Treatise of Self-Denial.
- Immortality of the Soule (The): The Excellencie of Christ Jesus, Treated On: Wherein the Faithfull People of God May Find Comfort for Their Souls.
- Letter to John Winthrop on the "Confederation." 1643.
- Letter to John Winthrop on the hostile attitude of Mass. toward Conn.
- Letter to John Winthrop on the people's share in “counsel and judicature."
- Letter to John Winthrop, concerning the Synods
- Pattern of Perfection exhibited in God's Image on Adam and God's Covenant with him (The)
- Poor Doubting Christian Drawn to Christ. (The)
- Saint's Dignity and Duty. (The) containing The Gift of Gifts, or why Christ gave himself; The Blessed Inhabitant, or the Benefit of Christ’s being in Believers; Grace Magnified, or the Privileges of those that are under Grace; Wisdom’s Attendants, or the Voice of Christ to be obeyed; The Activitie of Faith, or Abraham’s Imitators.
- Saints Guide (The), in three Treatises
- Sermon before the General Court, May 31, 1638.
- Soul’s Implantation into Christ (The). A Treatise containing, The Broken Heart.
- Soul’s Justification, Eleven Sermons, on 2 Corinthians 5:21. (The)
- Soul’s Possession of Christ (The)
- Soul’s Vocation or Effectual Calling to Christ (The)
- Soul's Exaltation. (The) Contains Union with Christ, Benefit from Union with Christ, and Justification
- Soul's Humiliation. (The)
- Soul's Ingrafting into Christ. (The)
- Soul's Preparation for Christ (The): Or, A Treatise of Contrition, Wherein is discovered How God breaks the heart, and wounds the Soul, in the conversion of a Sinner to Himself
- Spiritual Rule of the Lord's Kingdom. (The)
- Survey of The Summe of Church-Discipline (A): Wherein The Way of the Churches of New England Is Warranted Out of the Word.
- Survey of the Summe of Church-Discipline. Wherein, The Way of the Churches of New-England is warranted out of the Word, etc. (A)
- Ten Particular Rules, to be practiced every day, by Converted Christians.
- Thanksgiving Sermon, 4 Oct., 1638.
- True Sight of Sin (A)
- Unbelievers Preparing for Christ (The)
- Wilful Hardness, or the Means of Grace Abused.
Bibliographical Sources:
Allibone, Austin S. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, etc., Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Childs & Peterson, 1859.
Hooker, Edward W. The Life of Thomas Hooker. Boston, 1870.
Hooker, Edward. Hooker; Margaret H. (Ed.) The descendants of Thomas Hooker. New York, 1909.
Trent, William Peterfield; Erkine, John; Sherman, Stuart P.; Doren, Carl Van. The Cambridge History of American Literature, Vol. 1. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1917.