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Robert Maguire

Rev. Robert Maguire D. D. (1826–1890) was born in Dublin, Ireland. He graduated with honors from Trinity College, Dublin. He was a Rector at St. James, Clerkenwell and then St. Olave, Southwark. He was an evangelical, a temperance worker, and a very popular speaker. He wrote many books including The Miracles of Christ, Lyra Evangelica: Hymns Original and Selected and Expository Lectures on The Pilgrims Progress.

Curiosmith Features:
Commentary on The Pilgrim's Progress.
Commentary on The Holy War.
Self: Its Dangers, Doubts and Duties.
Self: Its Dangers, Doubts and Duties. (ePub)

Book List of Robert Maguire:
(Trans.) The Abbé Laborde in Rome
(Ed.) Bunyan's Holy War with Notes
(Ed.) Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress: with Notes
A Chapter for the Living, a Memoir of a student of King’s College.
The Discussion of Exter Hall on the Sunday Question between R. Maguire and J. B. Langley
Expository Lectures on Bunyan's Holy War
The Grounded Staff: a Series of Morning Lectures
History of the Early Irish Church
The Immaculate Conception of the B. V. Mary historically reviewed
John Hampton's Home
Lyra Evangelica: Hymns Original and Selected
Man his Likeness and his Greatness
(Trans.) Melodies of the Fatherland; from the German
The Miracles of Christ: Expositions
Mottos for the Million
Notes and Queries on the Keystone of Popery, the creed of Pope Pius IV
One Hundred Defects of the Mass
The “Oxford Movement” Strictures on the “Personal Reminisces” of Dr. Newman.
Perversion and Conversion, or Cause and Effect
Self: its Dangers, Doubts, and Duties
Sermons on the Seven Churches of Asia
Sighs and Songs of Earth, and other Poems
St. Peter Non-Roman in his Mission, Ministry, and Martyrdom
Temperance Landmarks: a Narrative of the Work and Workers
Things Present and Things to Come
Transubstantiation, A Tractarian Doctrine
Twenty Contrasts between the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Lord’s Supper.
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