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Fleming H. Revell

Fleming Hewitt Revell (1849–1931) was born in Chicago, Illinois. Dwight Moody married Emma Revell (Fleming's sister) in 1862 and it was Dwight Moody who encouraged Fleming Revell into the publishing business. He started in the publishing business in 1869 by printing his brother-in-law's "Everybody's Paper." Fleming H. Revell Publishing started in 1870. He became the official publisher of Moody publications. Josephine Barbour (a friend of Moody) had worked under General Howard (a general under President Lincoln and also part of the Freeman's Bureau in the South).  During a Chicago visit they met each other and Fleming married Josephine Barbour in 1872. Fleming H. Revell went on to publish Christian books. Baker Publishing Group bought Fleming H. Revel in 1992.


Fleming and Emma's father was Fleming Hewitt Revell, ship builder in England, where Emma was born. Business trouble caused the emigration to Chicago in 1849, the year Fleming Jr. was born.

Source of Moody facts:

Dorsett, Lyle W. A Passion for Souls: The Life of D. L. Moody. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2003.