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Edmund Calamy III, D.D.

Edmund Calamy III, D.D. (1671–1732) the grandson of Edmund Calamy I, was born in London, England. He was educated at the University of Utrecht and Oxford. He ministered at Blackfriars London, Bishops-gate’s Street and Tothill-street, Westminster. He gave lectures at Salter’s Hall.

Curiosmith features:
The Life of Mr. John Howe. (Kindle)

Other Edmund Calamys:
Rev. Dr. Edmund Calamy I, B.D. (1600–1666) the elder; was an English Presbyterian church leader. He was at St Mary’s Church in Aldermanbury.
Edmund Calamy II, M.A. (1634–1685); rector of Moreton in Essex.
Edmund Calamy III, D.D. (1671–1732) the historian, wrote the Howe biography, 1724.
Edmund Calamy IV; (1697–1755) Presbyterian minister in London.
Edmund Calamy V; (1743–1816) barrister of London’s Inn.
Edmund Calamy VI; (1780–1850)

Edmund Calamy's booklist:
Abridgment of Baxter's Life and Times (An)
Defence of Moderate Non-Conformity (A)
Historical Account of My Own Life (An)
Inspiration of the Holy Writings (The)
Memoir of the Life of the Late Revd. Mr. John Howe
Thirteen Sermons Concerning the Doctrines of the Trinity (The)