Charles Spurgeon's Author Page

Curiosmith features:
Words of Cheer for Daily Life.
Supposing Him to Be the Gardener.
Free Will—A Slave..
The Greatest Fight in the World.
Gems from Spurgeon: Extracts from the Notebook of a Nonprofessonal Reporter.
Songs in the Night.
The Hairs of Your Head Numbered..
Baptismal Regeneration.
Sermons in Candles..
The Clue of the Maze.
According to Promise.
The Prodigal.
Twelve Sermons for the Troubled and Tried.
Twelve Sermons on Vital Questions.
John Ploughman's Talk.
John Ploughman's Pictures.
Supposing Him to Be the Gardener.
Free Will—A Slave..
The Greatest Fight in the World.
Gems from Spurgeon: Extracts from the Notebook of a Nonprofessonal Reporter.
Songs in the Night.
The Hairs of Your Head Numbered..
Baptismal Regeneration.
Sermons in Candles..
The Clue of the Maze.
According to Promise.
The Prodigal.
Twelve Sermons for the Troubled and Tried.
Twelve Sermons on Vital Questions.
John Ploughman's Talk.
John Ploughman's Pictures.
Grandfather (paternal) – Rev. James Spurgeon.
Father – Rev. John Spurgeon.
Mother – Eliza Jarvis, a woman of "piety, usefulness and humility."
Brother – Rev. James Archer Spurgeon, co-pastor at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Sisters – six.
Wife — Susannah Thompson, married in 1856.
Twin Son — Charles, pastor of the Church in South Street Chapel, Greenwich.
Twin Son — Thomas, a writer and pastor, moved to Australia.
Timeline:Father – Rev. John Spurgeon.
Mother – Eliza Jarvis, a woman of "piety, usefulness and humility."
Brother – Rev. James Archer Spurgeon, co-pastor at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Sisters – six.
Wife — Susannah Thompson, married in 1856.
Twin Son — Charles, pastor of the Church in South Street Chapel, Greenwich.
Twin Son — Thomas, a writer and pastor, moved to Australia.
1834 – June 19. Charles Spurgeon was born in Kelvedon, England.
1835 – Sent to his grandfather's house in Stambourne for 6 years.
Attended school at Stockwell House, Colchester; Maidstone, London; and Newmarket Academy.
1850 – January 6. Mr. Spurgeon's converted to Christianity at a Methodist Chapel at Colchester.
1850 – May 3. Baptized in the River Lark at Isleham Ferry.
1850 - Moved to Cambridge and studied, but not in the University.
1850 – October 2. Joined the Baptist Church at Cambridge.
First sermon preached in a cottage in Teversham.
1851 – Became the pastor at a Baptist Church in Waterbeach.
1853 – December. At 19, first sermon at the New Park Street Chapel.
1853 – Susannah Thompson saw Charles Spurgeon preaching at the New Park Street Chapel, where she had attended frequently.
Spurgeon moved to a London boarding house in Queens Square, Bloomsbury. Mr. Joseph Passmore walked Mr. Spurgeon back to Queen's Square and later became his publisher.
1854 – He became pastor at the New Park Street Chapel, Southwark. (The old maps have that section of Park Street labeled "New Park Street.")
Spurgeon lived at 75 Dover Road.
1855 – Feb 11 through May 27, the New Park Street Chapel was enlarged and Spurgeon preached at Exeter Hall during the renovation.
1856 – January 8, married Susannah Thompson.
Moved to 217 New Kent Road, London after marriage.
Music Hall of the Royal Surrey Gardens was used.
1856 – October 19, Surrey Garden catastrophe, 7 killed and many injured.
1856 – The Pastor's College commenced.
1856 – September 20. Twins were born, Thomas and Charles.
1857 – Left New Kent Road and moved to Nightingale Lane, Clapham.
1857 – October 7. Attendance of 23,654 people at the Crystal Palace.
1859 - December 11. Last service at the Music Hall of the Royal Surry Garden .
1859 – December 18. Started the third series of services at Exeter Hall and ending in 1861.
1860 – August 21. The first meeting in the Metropolitan Tabernacle (unfinished) for thanksgiving and fundraising.
1861 – The Metropolitan Tabernacle was dedicated.
1867 – Stockwell Orphanage began construction.
1869 – Helensburgh House erected at Nightingale Lane.
1869 – Spurgeon suffered an attack of small-pox.
1887 – The "Down-grade Controversy" begins.
1892 – January 31. Death of Charles Spurgeon at Mentone, French Riviera.
1892 – Death of Susannah Spurgeon.
Sources: 1835 – Sent to his grandfather's house in Stambourne for 6 years.
Attended school at Stockwell House, Colchester; Maidstone, London; and Newmarket Academy.
1850 – January 6. Mr. Spurgeon's converted to Christianity at a Methodist Chapel at Colchester.
1850 – May 3. Baptized in the River Lark at Isleham Ferry.
1850 - Moved to Cambridge and studied, but not in the University.
1850 – October 2. Joined the Baptist Church at Cambridge.
First sermon preached in a cottage in Teversham.
1851 – Became the pastor at a Baptist Church in Waterbeach.
1853 – December. At 19, first sermon at the New Park Street Chapel.
1853 – Susannah Thompson saw Charles Spurgeon preaching at the New Park Street Chapel, where she had attended frequently.
Spurgeon moved to a London boarding house in Queens Square, Bloomsbury. Mr. Joseph Passmore walked Mr. Spurgeon back to Queen's Square and later became his publisher.
1854 – He became pastor at the New Park Street Chapel, Southwark. (The old maps have that section of Park Street labeled "New Park Street.")
Spurgeon lived at 75 Dover Road.
1855 – Feb 11 through May 27, the New Park Street Chapel was enlarged and Spurgeon preached at Exeter Hall during the renovation.
1856 – January 8, married Susannah Thompson.
Moved to 217 New Kent Road, London after marriage.
Music Hall of the Royal Surrey Gardens was used.
1856 – October 19, Surrey Garden catastrophe, 7 killed and many injured.
1856 – The Pastor's College commenced.
1856 – September 20. Twins were born, Thomas and Charles.
1857 – Left New Kent Road and moved to Nightingale Lane, Clapham.
1857 – October 7. Attendance of 23,654 people at the Crystal Palace.
1859 - December 11. Last service at the Music Hall of the Royal Surry Garden .
1859 – December 18. Started the third series of services at Exeter Hall and ending in 1861.
1860 – August 21. The first meeting in the Metropolitan Tabernacle (unfinished) for thanksgiving and fundraising.
1861 – The Metropolitan Tabernacle was dedicated.
1867 – Stockwell Orphanage began construction.
1869 – Helensburgh House erected at Nightingale Lane.
1869 – Spurgeon suffered an attack of small-pox.
1887 – The "Down-grade Controversy" begins.
1892 – January 31. Death of Charles Spurgeon at Mentone, French Riviera.
1892 – Death of Susannah Spurgeon.
Fulton, Justin Dewey, Charles H. Spurgeon, Our Ally, Chicago: H. J. Smith & Co., 1892.
Spurgeon, Susannah, The Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1899.
Spurgeon, Susannah, The Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1899.
C. H. Spurgeon Booklist:
Able to the Uttermost: 20 gospel sermons
According to Promise: The method of the Lord's dealing with his people.
All of Grace
An All Round Ministry: Addresses to ministers and students
Around the Wicket Gate: or, A friendly talk with seekers concerning faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Art of Illustration (The)
Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon (The); Compiled from his diary, letters, and records
Baptismal Regeration
Barbed Arrows from the Quiver
Be of Good Cheer: The Saviour's comforting exhortation enlarged upon
Bible and the Newspaper (The)
Breaking the Long Silence
C. H. Spurgeon's Anecdotes
Catechism with Proofs (A)
Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith: Being precious promises arranged for daily use, with brief experimental comments
Christ in the Old Testament
Christ is All
Christ's Glorious Achievements; Set forth in seven sermons
Christ's Relation to His People
Claims of God
Clue of the Maze (The): A voice lifted up on behalf of honest faith.
"Come Ye Children." A book for parents and teachers on the Christian training of children
Commenting and Commentaries: Two lectures addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle, together with a catalogue of Biblical commentaries and expositions.
Eccentric Preachers
Evening by Evening; or, Readings at eveningtide
Everlasting Gospel of the Old and New Testaments (The)
Everybody's Book: C. H. Spurgeon's Pilgrim Guide
Faith in Christ
Farm Sermons; Discourses on farming
Feathers for Arrows; or Illustrations for preachers and teachers
First Things First
Flashes of Thought: Being one thousand choice extracts from the works of C.H. Spurgeon: alphabetically arranged, and with a copious index.
Free Will—A Slave
Gems from Spurgeon, or, Extracts from the note-book of a non-professional reporter.
Gleanings Among the Sheaves
Glorious Themes for Saints and Sinners
Golden Alphabet: A devotional commentary on the 119 Psalm
Good Start (A); A book for men and women
Good Tidings of Great Joy
Gospel Extracts from Spurgeon
Gospel for the People (The)
Gospel of the Kingdom (The), A popular exposition of the gospel according to Matthew.
Great Shield of Faith (The)
Greatest Fight in the World, (The)
Hairs of Your Head Numbered (The)
Home Worship and the Use of the Bible in the Home
Illustrations and Meditations; or, Flowers from a Puritan's garden
Interpreter, (The) or Scripture for family worship
John Ploughman's Pictures
John Ploughman's Talk
Lectures to My Students
Looking unto Jesus
Man in Christ (A)
May I?
Memories of Stambourne
Messiah (The): Sermons on our Lord's names, titles and attributes.
Metropolitan Tabernacle (The)
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit (The): Sermons preached and revised
Miracles of Our Lord (The)
Morning by Morning; or, Daily Readings
Most Holy Place (The); Sermons on the Song of Solomon
Mourner's Comforter (The); Being seven discourses upon Isaiah 61:1-3
My Sermon Notes: A selection from outlines of discourses delivered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Name of Jesus (The)
New Park Street Pulpit, (The)
Only a Prayer Meeting: Forty addresses at Metropolitan Tabernacle and other prayer-meetings
Our Own Hymn Book: A collection of Psalms and hymns for public, social, and private worship
Passion and Death of Our Lord
Peace! Perfect Peace!
Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress
Pictures of Life and Birthday Reflections
Present Truth (The); A collection of sermons
Royal Wedding (The)
Saint and His Saviour (The): or, The progress of the soul in the knowledge of Jesus
Salt Cellars (The): Being a collection of proverbs, together with homely notes thereon
Search after Happiness
Sermon of the Seasons
Sermons in Candles: Being two lectures upon the illustrations which may be found in common candles
Sermons on Our Lord's Parables
Seven Wonders of Grace
Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Brooks – Being a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings, from the works of that renowned Puritan, Thomas Brooks
Songs in the Night
Soul Winner (The); or, How to lead sinners to the saviour
Spare Half Hour (The)
Speeches At Home And Abroad
Spurgeon's Birthday Book
Spurgeon's Gems: Being brilliant passages from the discourses of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon
Spurgeon's Prayers
Spurgeon's Shilling Series
Storm Signals: Being a collection of sermons preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle on Sunday and Thursday evenings
Supposing Him to Be the Gardener
Sweet Experiences of 1842 and 1892
Sword and the Trowel (The) - periodical
Talking Book (The)
Talks to Farmers
Teachings of Nature in the Kingdom of Grace
There Go the Ships
Till He Come; Communion meditations and addresses
Treasury of David (The): Containing an original exposition of the book of Psalms; a collection of illustrative extracts from the whole range of literature; a series of homiletical hints upon almost every verse; and lists of writers upon each psalm.
Trumpet Calls to Christian Energy
Two Wesley's (The)
Types and Emblems: Being a collection of sermons preached on Sunday and Thursday evenings at the Metropolitan Tabernacle
We Endeavour: Helpful words for members of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavour
Words of Advice for Seekers
Words of Cheer for Daily Life
Words of Counsel for Christian Workers
Words of Warning for Daily Life
Words of Wisdom for Daily Life
According to Promise: The method of the Lord's dealing with his people.
All of Grace
An All Round Ministry: Addresses to ministers and students
Around the Wicket Gate: or, A friendly talk with seekers concerning faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Art of Illustration (The)
Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon (The); Compiled from his diary, letters, and records
Baptismal Regeration
Barbed Arrows from the Quiver
Be of Good Cheer: The Saviour's comforting exhortation enlarged upon
Bible and the Newspaper (The)
Breaking the Long Silence
C. H. Spurgeon's Anecdotes
Catechism with Proofs (A)
Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith: Being precious promises arranged for daily use, with brief experimental comments
Christ in the Old Testament
Christ is All
Christ's Glorious Achievements; Set forth in seven sermons
Christ's Relation to His People
Claims of God
Clue of the Maze (The): A voice lifted up on behalf of honest faith.
"Come Ye Children." A book for parents and teachers on the Christian training of children
Commenting and Commentaries: Two lectures addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle, together with a catalogue of Biblical commentaries and expositions.
Eccentric Preachers
Evening by Evening; or, Readings at eveningtide
Everlasting Gospel of the Old and New Testaments (The)
Everybody's Book: C. H. Spurgeon's Pilgrim Guide
Faith in Christ
Farm Sermons; Discourses on farming
Feathers for Arrows; or Illustrations for preachers and teachers
First Things First
Flashes of Thought: Being one thousand choice extracts from the works of C.H. Spurgeon: alphabetically arranged, and with a copious index.
Free Will—A Slave
Gems from Spurgeon, or, Extracts from the note-book of a non-professional reporter.
Gleanings Among the Sheaves
Glorious Themes for Saints and Sinners
Golden Alphabet: A devotional commentary on the 119 Psalm
Good Start (A); A book for men and women
Good Tidings of Great Joy
Gospel Extracts from Spurgeon
Gospel for the People (The)
Gospel of the Kingdom (The), A popular exposition of the gospel according to Matthew.
Great Shield of Faith (The)
Greatest Fight in the World, (The)
Hairs of Your Head Numbered (The)
Home Worship and the Use of the Bible in the Home
Illustrations and Meditations; or, Flowers from a Puritan's garden
Interpreter, (The) or Scripture for family worship
John Ploughman's Pictures
John Ploughman's Talk
Lectures to My Students
Looking unto Jesus
Man in Christ (A)
May I?
Memories of Stambourne
Messiah (The): Sermons on our Lord's names, titles and attributes.
Metropolitan Tabernacle (The)
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit (The): Sermons preached and revised
Miracles of Our Lord (The)
Morning by Morning; or, Daily Readings
Most Holy Place (The); Sermons on the Song of Solomon
Mourner's Comforter (The); Being seven discourses upon Isaiah 61:1-3
My Sermon Notes: A selection from outlines of discourses delivered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Name of Jesus (The)
New Park Street Pulpit, (The)
Only a Prayer Meeting: Forty addresses at Metropolitan Tabernacle and other prayer-meetings
Our Own Hymn Book: A collection of Psalms and hymns for public, social, and private worship
Passion and Death of Our Lord
Peace! Perfect Peace!
Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress
Pictures of Life and Birthday Reflections
Present Truth (The); A collection of sermons
Royal Wedding (The)
Saint and His Saviour (The): or, The progress of the soul in the knowledge of Jesus
Salt Cellars (The): Being a collection of proverbs, together with homely notes thereon
Search after Happiness
Sermon of the Seasons
Sermons in Candles: Being two lectures upon the illustrations which may be found in common candles
Sermons on Our Lord's Parables
Seven Wonders of Grace
Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Brooks – Being a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings, from the works of that renowned Puritan, Thomas Brooks
Songs in the Night
Soul Winner (The); or, How to lead sinners to the saviour
Spare Half Hour (The)
Speeches At Home And Abroad
Spurgeon's Birthday Book
Spurgeon's Gems: Being brilliant passages from the discourses of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon
Spurgeon's Prayers
Spurgeon's Shilling Series
Storm Signals: Being a collection of sermons preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle on Sunday and Thursday evenings
Supposing Him to Be the Gardener
Sweet Experiences of 1842 and 1892
Sword and the Trowel (The) - periodical
Talking Book (The)
Talks to Farmers
Teachings of Nature in the Kingdom of Grace
There Go the Ships
Till He Come; Communion meditations and addresses
Treasury of David (The): Containing an original exposition of the book of Psalms; a collection of illustrative extracts from the whole range of literature; a series of homiletical hints upon almost every verse; and lists of writers upon each psalm.
Trumpet Calls to Christian Energy
Two Wesley's (The)
Types and Emblems: Being a collection of sermons preached on Sunday and Thursday evenings at the Metropolitan Tabernacle
We Endeavour: Helpful words for members of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavour
Words of Advice for Seekers
Words of Cheer for Daily Life
Words of Counsel for Christian Workers
Words of Warning for Daily Life
Words of Wisdom for Daily Life
Published—LONDON:PASSMORE & ALABASTER, 4, Paternoster Buildings, E.C.
Published—LONDON:PASSMORE & ALABASTER, 4, Paternoster Buildings, E.C.
Christmas Sermons
Memorable Sermons Preached on Remarkable Occasions
Messages to the Multitude
Missionary Sermons
New Year's Sermons
Popular Sermons
Revival Sermons
Sermons for Christian Workers
Sermons for the Troubled and Tried
Sermons on Backsliding
Sermons on Christian Warfare
Sermons on Conversion
Sermons on Death
Sermons on Decision
Sermons on Faith
Sermons on Forgiveness
Sermons on Grace Abounding
Sermons on Heaven
Sermons on Holiness
Sermons on Hope
Sermons on Humility
Sermons on Joy
Sermons on Obedience
Sermons on Our Lord S Cries from the Cross
Sermons on Peace
Sermons on Praise
Sermons on Prayer
Sermons on Precious Promises
Sermons on Repentance
Sermons on Ritualism
Sermons on Sanctification
Sermons on Temptation
Sermons on Thanksgiving
Sermons on The Atonement
Sermons on The Doctrines Of Grace
Sermons on The Gospel For Sinners
Sermons on The Holy Spirit
Sermons on the Love of Christ
Sermons on The Passion And Death Of Christ
Sermons on The Plan Of Salvation
Sermons on The Prodigal Son, Etc.
Sermons on The Resurrection
Sermons on The Second Coming Of Christ
Sermons on the Word of God
Sermons on Unbelief
Sermons on Various Subjects With Portrait And Views
Sermons on Vital Questions
Sermons to Seekers
Sermons to Young Men
Sermons with Strange Titles
Soul-Winning Sermons
Striking Sermons
Memorable Sermons Preached on Remarkable Occasions
Messages to the Multitude
Missionary Sermons
New Year's Sermons
Popular Sermons
Revival Sermons
Sermons for Christian Workers
Sermons for the Troubled and Tried
Sermons on Backsliding
Sermons on Christian Warfare
Sermons on Conversion
Sermons on Death
Sermons on Decision
Sermons on Faith
Sermons on Forgiveness
Sermons on Grace Abounding
Sermons on Heaven
Sermons on Holiness
Sermons on Hope
Sermons on Humility
Sermons on Joy
Sermons on Obedience
Sermons on Our Lord S Cries from the Cross
Sermons on Peace
Sermons on Praise
Sermons on Prayer
Sermons on Precious Promises
Sermons on Repentance
Sermons on Ritualism
Sermons on Sanctification
Sermons on Temptation
Sermons on Thanksgiving
Sermons on The Atonement
Sermons on The Doctrines Of Grace
Sermons on The Gospel For Sinners
Sermons on The Holy Spirit
Sermons on the Love of Christ
Sermons on The Passion And Death Of Christ
Sermons on The Plan Of Salvation
Sermons on The Prodigal Son, Etc.
Sermons on The Resurrection
Sermons on The Second Coming Of Christ
Sermons on the Word of God
Sermons on Unbelief
Sermons on Various Subjects With Portrait And Views
Sermons on Vital Questions
Sermons to Seekers
Sermons to Young Men
Sermons with Strange Titles
Soul-Winning Sermons
Striking Sermons
"One Penny Each" series by C. H. Spurgeon. Specially adapted for gratuitous distribution.
Anxious Enquirer (The).
Anxious Enquiry for a Beloved Son.
Apostolic Exhortation.
Baptismal Regeneration.
Believing Thief (The).
Bells for the Horses.
Best Burden for Young Shoulders.
Call to the Unconverted.
Children and their Hosannas (The).
Confession of Sin.
Double Knock at the Door of the Young (A).
Dropping Well of Knaresborough (The).
Essence of Simplicity (The).
Exeter Hall Sermon to Young Men.
Faith: What is it? How can it be Obtained?
Fear Not.
Feed My Lambs.
Filling with the Spirit.
God in Heaven, and Men on the Sea.
God, the Children's Teacher.
God's Jewels.
Good Soldier of Jesus Christ (A).
Growing on the Wall.
Healing by the Stripes of Jesus.
Heart: a Gift for God (The).
Helps to Full Assurance.
High Doctrine and Broad Doctrine.
His Own Funeral Sermon.
Hold Fast (The).
How to Obtain Faith.
How to Raise the Dead.
In the Garden with Him.
Infallibility of Scripture (The).
Infant Salvation.
Is Conversion Necessary?
Is it Nothing to You?
Jesus and the Children.
Jesus and the Lambs.
Landlord and Tenant.
Let us Pray.
Lifting up the Brazen Serpent.
Little Dogs (The).
Lord Jesus Christ as Leader.
Loving Advice for Anxious Seekers.
Luther Sermon at Exeter Hall.
May I?
Mediator (A).
Mustard Seed (The).
None but Jesus.
Only Trust Him! Only Trust Him.
Pearl of Patience (The).
Perpetuity of the Law of God (The).
Priest Dispensed with (The).
Receiving the Kingdom of God as a Little Child.
S.S.; or the Sinner Saved.
Sea! The Sea! (The) The Wide and Open Sea.
Sermon for Everybody.
Sermon on a Grand Old Text (A).
Silly Dove (A).
Silver Trumpet (The).
Sown Among Thorns.
Spur for a Free Horse (A).
Sunday School and the Scriptures (The).
Supposing Him to Be the Gardener.
There Go the Ships.
Token for the Bereaved (A).
Turning Point (The).
Upper Hand (The).
Very Early Bible Society (A).
War Horse (The).
Way Back (The).
Way of Salvation (The).
Who Found it out?
Withered Fig Tree (The).
Word for the Persecuted (A).
Young Man, Is This for You?
Anxious Enquiry for a Beloved Son.
Apostolic Exhortation.
Baptismal Regeneration.
Believing Thief (The).
Bells for the Horses.
Best Burden for Young Shoulders.
Call to the Unconverted.
Children and their Hosannas (The).
Confession of Sin.
Double Knock at the Door of the Young (A).
Dropping Well of Knaresborough (The).
Essence of Simplicity (The).
Exeter Hall Sermon to Young Men.
Faith: What is it? How can it be Obtained?
Fear Not.
Feed My Lambs.
Filling with the Spirit.
God in Heaven, and Men on the Sea.
God, the Children's Teacher.
God's Jewels.
Good Soldier of Jesus Christ (A).
Growing on the Wall.
Healing by the Stripes of Jesus.
Heart: a Gift for God (The).
Helps to Full Assurance.
High Doctrine and Broad Doctrine.
His Own Funeral Sermon.
Hold Fast (The).
How to Obtain Faith.
How to Raise the Dead.
In the Garden with Him.
Infallibility of Scripture (The).
Infant Salvation.
Is Conversion Necessary?
Is it Nothing to You?
Jesus and the Children.
Jesus and the Lambs.
Landlord and Tenant.
Let us Pray.
Lifting up the Brazen Serpent.
Little Dogs (The).
Lord Jesus Christ as Leader.
Loving Advice for Anxious Seekers.
Luther Sermon at Exeter Hall.
May I?
Mediator (A).
Mustard Seed (The).
None but Jesus.
Only Trust Him! Only Trust Him.
Pearl of Patience (The).
Perpetuity of the Law of God (The).
Priest Dispensed with (The).
Receiving the Kingdom of God as a Little Child.
S.S.; or the Sinner Saved.
Sea! The Sea! (The) The Wide and Open Sea.
Sermon for Everybody.
Sermon on a Grand Old Text (A).
Silly Dove (A).
Silver Trumpet (The).
Sown Among Thorns.
Spur for a Free Horse (A).
Sunday School and the Scriptures (The).
Supposing Him to Be the Gardener.
There Go the Ships.
Token for the Bereaved (A).
Turning Point (The).
Upper Hand (The).
Very Early Bible Society (A).
War Horse (The).
Way Back (The).
Way of Salvation (The).
Who Found it out?
Withered Fig Tree (The).
Word for the Persecuted (A).
Young Man, Is This for You?
Spurgeon's Shilling Series.
Bible and the Newspaper (The).
Christ's Glorious Achievements.
Eccentric Preachers.
Gleanings among the Sheaves.
Good Cheer.
Mourner's Comforter (The).
Seven Wonders of Grace.
Spare Half-Hour (The).
Christ's Glorious Achievements.
Eccentric Preachers.
Gleanings among the Sheaves.
Good Cheer.
Mourner's Comforter (The).
Seven Wonders of Grace.
Spare Half-Hour (The).