The Joyful Life by Margaret Sangster (PDF)
Margaret Sangster has helpful exhortations for young women to live a Godly life. “Each chapter of this book is a simple and friendly talk . . . and the author’s aim has been to suggest something helpful . . . [for] our happiness and usefulness.” Her advice includes: “If one can but take whatever comes as part of God’s plan, and not as the happening of a blind chance, one will be surer of content. A plan of God in every life, and life joyfully lived in accordance with God’s plan, is a good formula for true happiness.” Also: “One of the most successful recipes for curing the blues, no matter what the source, is to engage actively in some work outside one’s self.”
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MARGARET ELIZABETH SANGSTER (1838–1912) was born in New Rochelle, New York to John and Mary Munson. She was educated in private schools and lived in a deeply religious household. She read voraciously growing up. She attended a Presbyterian Church and later Dutch Reformed Church. She married George Sangster in 1858. She edited and wrote for “Hearth and Home,” “Christian Intelligencer,” “Harper’s Bazaar,” and others.