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The Gospel Way to Happiness

Charles Doe

The Gospel Way to Happiness

"It is certain those are happy whom God loves; but the question is, how we poor sinners may come at this happiness? The gospel will resolve that question, for it tells us that Christ is the true and living way to the Father; the old way, the new way, the only way: that there is no coming to God as a Father, but by Jesus Christ the Mediator. That he is the door by whom we enter into covenant and communion with God; that he is the light to guide us in the way; that he is our High Priest, who is ordained for men in things pertaining unto God, and, as the forerunner, is for us entered; that it is by him that we have access to God, are introduced into his presence, and recommended to his favor and grace, and may come boldly to the throne of his grace: and as such a one we are to believe in him."

Matthew Henry, Faith In Christ Inferred from Faith in God, (London: John Robinson in St. Paul's Churchyard, T. Lawrence in the Poultry, and N. Cliff and D. Jackson in Cheapside near Mercers Chapel, 1711)

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